November 2020 | Issue #97
Current Releases:  SM 8.0.093 (11/2) | AW  3.5.061 (11/04)
 ACEware Software Update - 1/13 2:00 CST
Note:  You need to register for the 2021 Software Update Series--we are starting fresh in 2021! 
ACEware Systems Newsletter - Information to Run Your Program
Receipts After Pay Multiple Invoices
Even though the Pay Multiple Invoices feature is relatively new, it's already getting quite a bit of use. I know this because people are already asking for enhancements. Let me review this feature before talking about the new stuff.

By choosing Module -> Invoices -> Pay Multiple Outstanding, you get a listing of all invoices in the system, sorted by payer. Then you can check the ones you want to pay. This way, if you have billed a firm or an individual over several invoices and they pay them all off at once, you can input that single check once. Previously, you had to look invoices up individually and pay them one at a time. This utilized the same Invoice Pay screen, but there is one button that is missing: Print Receipt.

Enter in 8.0.093, released at the beginning of the month. I wasn't able to give that button back, but after you get the notification window of what all was paid off, you get a Yes/No prompt for printing the receipt. This brings up the same dialog as the individual button would have, with option to email the receipt as well.

This, in my opinion, really makes this tool a huge time-saver. I mean, it simplified the payment process to begin with, but now with the receipt there, it is even better! Update to get this at your next convenience!

Contributed by Matthew Olson
"Back in the day," of face-to-face events, what you rated the highest in our annual users' conference were the customer sharing sessions.

This week (November 19), our user webinar includes a customer story about holding virtual conferences using workshop course types, ACEweb, and Zoom.

In this session, ACEware will provide an overview of workshop type courses - what ARE they, what do they DO, how are they helpful? Then Tarin Forrest, KOF from Oklahoma State University, Center for Local Government Technology, will share their story! They hosted a 2.5 day virtual conference with 37 workshops and 482 attendees. She's ready to show, tell, and answer your questions!

Let's meet virtually to discuss virtual events. You'll be ready to plan for your virtual events in 2021!

Contributed by Sharon Brookshire
ACEware Holiday Schedule 2020
We are all glad to see 2020 coming to a close. What a year it has been! Our holiday schedule probably looks much like yours. 

Next week, we will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 26-27, to enjoy time with our families.

In December, we have the following adjusted hours:
  •  December 24 - ACEware closing at noon
  •  December 25 - ACEware closed
  •  December 31 - ACEware closing at noon
  •  January 1 -       ACEware closed
Enjoy this holiday season. It's been a very odd year, but we have much to be thankful for!

Contributed by Sharon Brookshire
Tech Tip of the Month: Paying Balances and Invoices Online
You can allow your students to pay outstanding balances via their history page on their profile in ACEweb. 

This feature uses your existing payment gateway to accept the payment, just like in the normal registration and payment process.

This does require a couple of changes to your ShowTranStatus.htm template, so contact your tech if you'd like to implement this feature.

You can also allow students to pay their invoice balances on ACEweb in the same fashion:

This creates a new, "Pay Invoices," button on their history page, and with ACEweb build .061 and later, it allows for lots of customization!

Contributed by Jason Allen
Report of the Month: ACEweb System Reports
This month, instead of featuring a Student Manager report, we'll look at a group of reports and informational pages available to ACEweb users via the AW Administration Page. The link for the Admin page is: https://yourwebdomain/wconnect/admin/awadmin.aspx. If the page has been properly secured, you may need to log into the page using an authorized network user account. You will also need to provide credentials for a Student Manager Staff account with the proper access level for most of the Admin options. Our focus will be on this section:
System Reports
The About and Verify options would mainly be used while working with your tech during setup or troubleshooting operations. You may find some of the other choices to be more useful on an ongoing basis, as they provide info on your site's day-to-day activity.
Here's a sample from the View Site Activity report:
So Far Today
Total Hits: 1276
Total Sessions: 1268 originating from 64 unique IP address(es)
Courses Added to Enrollment Cart: 17
Successful Registrations: 12 in 9 separate sessions
Failed Payment Attempts: 1
It will also show the corresponding figures from the previous day, the past 7 days, and the accumulated totals since the last time the logs were cleared.
The Registration Log displays info on successful online registrations, Exception Log flags failed or cancelled payments, and the Search Log summarizes your users' search activities. Note that search logging is not active by default - you may have to click the Enable Logging button so it starts tracking search terms.
Finally, a couple of options that may be helpful if questions come up about a particular transaction and you need more details. The Enrollment Session Log reflects recent enrollment cart activity with entries for every loaded course (and added fee). And the Pending Transactions view will show any payment attempts that were left in a pending state.

Contributed by Stein Goering
Happy Thanksgiving!

- Chuck, Sharon, Cheryl, Jason, Joe, Lindsey, Matthew, Mike, Stein, and Susan

 ACEware Systems
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ACEware Systems, Inc.
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Manhattan, KS 66502


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