ACDS Notes

AGM/Leadership Event 2017
The 2017 AGM/Leadership Event was a two-day event featuring a facilitated membership engagement session. Our thanks to Kim Ghostkeeper from Alberta Culture for facilitating our discussions. ACDS staff are working to incorporate member feed back to develop the new three-year strategic plan into operational plans.

We want to hear from all Members on the direction and work of ACDS and will be planning Membership Engagement Sessions across the province in the coming months and into 2018. 

Thank you to all who attended the AGM and Leadership Event and congratulations to our new and returning Board members!

AGM & leadership event attendees, opening day.

John Stinson
ADM, Disabilities, Inclusion and Accessibility Division

The swearing-in ceremony for the 2017/18 ACDS Board.
Your ACDS Board of Directors for 2017/18
Helen Ficocelli (President)
Ryan Geake (Vice-President)
Judy Galbraith (Volunteer)
Sean Hann (Volunteer)
Esther McDonald (Central)
Peter Stoye (Edmonton)
James Woodall (South)
Erin Waite (Calgary)
Darrin Stubbs (NW)
Diane Magill (North Central)

2016/17 ACDS Annual Report

2017 Innovation Award Winners
Nominations will soon be open for the 2018 ACDS Innovation Award!
In preparation, take a look at this short video featuring the 2017 winners - SKILLS Society, SACLA and Lift Interactive.

Training and Development

#DEAM - Get Hired and Stay Employed: A webinar with Sarah Taylor

Ethics in Human Services - Questions that Matter Video Series with Deena Martin
Designed with new and long term staff in mind. Can be reviewed independently but group discussion is highly recommended.


Call to Participate on the Commission On Accreditation

The Commission on Accreditation is an 8-member, arms-length body that reviews Level 2 accreditation site survey reports of organizations that serve the community disability sector, and renders accreditation decisions.

The Commission is currently looking for: 
1.    Emerging leaders from member agencies and/or related fields to replace outgoing members
General requirements
  • Be willing to become an ACDS member if not already employed with an ACDS member organization
  • Be committed to the accreditation process
  • Be committed to endorsing quality services for individuals with developmental disabilities
  • Be committed to serving a 2-year term
  • Be committed to attending the meetings as scheduled (usually once a month; more or fewer depending on the number of Level 2 surveys conducted)
  2.   Representatives  for the following service areas  and supports
  • Children's Services
  • Respite for Children and Adults
  • Guardians for children or adults with developmental disabilities
  Commission members may be part of
  • senior management from ACDS accredited member organizations
  • post-secondary institutions
  • the government
  • the community at large
  • natural supports, such as parents and guardians
Preference may be given to applicants who have a background or experience in Mental Health, Brain Injury, Children Services, or Seniors.
Purpose and Duties
  • To attend Commission on Accreditation meetings as scheduled; usually one meeting per month
  • To review Level 2 site survey reports prior to the meeting and be prepared to
    • discuss the service provider's strengths and identify any deficiencies
    • provide suggestions, commendations, recommendations, and/or feedback
    • decide whether the service provider can be awarded Three-Year Level 2 Accreditation
  Application forms are available at . Submit your application to Clova Lehr, Director of Services and Accreditation, by fax to (403) 291-9864 or by email to  

Congratulations to Level 2 Accredited Organizations
S.P.A.N. St. Paul Abilities Network Society
ACDS would like to convey its appreciation for S.P.A.N. for achieving CET Level 2 Accreditation and for meeting the requirements of the Complex Support Needs Review. S.P.A.N. serves about 125 individuals in St. Paul, Alberta and area through various residential, respite, employment, and community access services.
In S.P.A.N.'s 50 years of operation, it has earned the support and respect of peers and community members through its creative innovations, multiple plans for social enterprises, and strong community leadership.
  • Its newest home for individuals with complex needs includes Mag locks, securely protected televisions, and a reinforced wall board
  • Just a few of its social enterprises include an industrial laundry service, a trucking company, and property management
  • Once completed, its hotel will fill the need for a community resource and be a source of employment for individuals
  • Its concern for the community in general prompted it to meet the multiple needs of evacuees during the Fort McMurray fire
Independent Counselling Enterprises Inc. (I.C.E.)
Congratulations to I.C.E.'s five regional offices for achieving CET Level 2 Accreditation and for meeting the requirements of Respite for Children and Adults with Disabilities as well as, in some regions, the Complex Support Needs Designation. The organization provides residential, community access, employment, and respite services to approximately 242 individuals in the regions of Edmonton, Calgary, North Central, Northwest and South.
Some of I.C.E.'s most notable commendations include:
  • Achieving the Certificate of Recognition through the Partners in Injury Reduction program
  • Having the Workers' Compensation Board rank it fifth out of 105 "Large Employers" for rehabilitation services for the disabled
  • Proactively connecting with professional supports from local first-responders to behavioural specialists 
  • Hiring a Quality Auditor to ensure continuity and consistency among all its regional offices
Workforce Development

Have you tried the Disability Worker Safety Hub?
If so, we'd appreciate hearing your feedback at

News, Links, and Events

ALIGN Leadership Bursary Program

Approval is in place to spend the remaining funds in the Leadership Bursary program.  This funding must be accessed prior to March 31, 2018! 

ALIGN Agency Leadership Development Bursary
The ALIGN Leadership Bursary program is offering agencies a bursary up to $5,000.00 towards Agency Leadership Development. We will choose on a first come first serve bases and can offer up to $5,000.00 per agency.

ALIGN Leadership Bursary for Non-Accredited Programs
The purpose of the Leadership Bursary is to foster future leadership capacity by enabling senior organizational leaders to participate in formal education and professional development programs that enhance their ability to lead their organization and the field. The focus will be to develop or enhance leadership skills and innovation in service delivery and development, human resource management, organizational excellence and fiscal management.  The focus will be to develop or enhance leadership skills and innovation in service delivery and development, human resource management, organizational excellence and fiscal management. Tuition costs for
non-accredited programs  are a max. $5,000 and do not cover travel costs. This bursary can be granted throughout the year. This can be a course, workshop, conference etc. but must be leadership focused.

More information and the application for either Bursary is on the ALIGN website
Disability Employment Awareness Month
October marked Disability Employment Awareness Month (#DEAM) across Canada. For the first time, the Government of Alberta issued its own DEAM proclamation.

"The provincial declaration of October 2017 as Disability Employment Awareness Month recognizes that despite the continued barriers to acquiring employment, people with disabilities make a significant contribution to an engaged and innovative Alberta workforce. The progressive leadership of inclusive employers is also acknowledged with this DEAM declaration, as is the work of the many professionals working across Alberta to help employers leverage diversity in the workplace. I thank the Ministry of Community and Social Services for their declaration of this important month."

Congratulations to Sean McEwen, the Calgary Employment First Network, and the many voices around Alberta that advocated to make this possible. news release
Calgary Employment First - DEAM events

Community and Social Services Learning Series - #DEAM

The Power of Collaboration - DEAM 2017
In this webcast, our presenters from the DEAM 2017 Steering Committee will share information on the current state of disability services...

DEAM 2017 - Employer Supports and Advice Panel
This panel discussion will bring together employer representatives and support organizations...

Canada's first national accessibility law should be ready by next spring
The federal minister responsible for crafting Canada's first national accessibility legislation says the law should be ready by next spring and should benefit not only people with disabilities, but their caregivers.
Globe and Mail

Barrhead resident appointed to Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities
Smith applied to be a member of the council after finding out through her association with the Blue Heron Support Services Association in early June. In August, she learned that she was going to be named to the council, but it didn't become official until their first session when Alberta's Lieutenant Governor Lois Mitchell appointed her through an Order of Council.
Barrhead Leader

Hotel honoured as employer of year
"We have lots of open-minded employers," reports Paige McCann Sauter, Executive Director of the Ability Resource Centre and the JobLinks Employment Centre, divisions of the Rehabilitation Society of Southwestern Alberta.

During an employer appreciation event Wednesday, managers of the Premier Inn and Suites were presented this year's award.

"They have gone above and beyond," McCann Sauter says, not just hiring someone with a disability but taking steps to improve her personal situation as well.

Premiers Council Awards - 2017 nominations are open
These awards recognize Albertans who have demonstrated outstanding achievement and leadership in making positive changes that create inclusive, barrier-free communities where persons with disabilities can fully participate. The awards are: the Gary McPherson Leadership Award, the Marlin Styner Achievement Award and Awards of Excellence in Education, Employment, Community and Public Awareness.

Is there an event, article, news item, poster, or something else you'd like to share with the ACDS community? If so, please email us at
Community of Practice

Member Benefits

St. John Ambulance

Thank you Alberta Council of Disability Services for choosing St. John Ambulance to be your Corporate Safety Partner in Alberta. St. John Ambulance is proud to have been part of Alberta's culture of safety since 1897. As a safety partner we look forward to being able to support the critical safety needs of your organization and its members. Through our dynamic network of instructors, volunteers and personnel we are able to provide a diverse range of first aid and safety products and services so that you can achieve your safety goals.
1)    By Telephone: 1-800-665-7114
2)    Contact or visit one of our 7 Centres
3)    Be sure to quote your individualized code - ACDS17MEMBER - in order to receive specific discounted pricing on Emergency First Aid with Level A CPR + AED, Standard First Aid with Level C CPR and AED, and Standard First Aid Re-certification.
Family members be sure to quote ACDS17FAMILY to receive specific discounted pricing on the same three courses from above as well as Babysitting Basics and First Aid in Childcare.

The ACDS Umbrella is a publication of the
Alberta Council of Disability Services
160 3015-12 Street NE
Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7J2
Phone: 403-250-9495 * Fax: 403-291-9864
© 2017 Alberta Council of Disability Services

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The ACDS Umbrella or any of its content?
Send your comments or ideas to us at

Permission to Reprint: Is there an article or news item in this or any other ACDS Umbrella newsletter that you would like to reprint in your own newsletter or other information circular? Please contact us at, attention Communications and Marketing, and include the title of the article, the issue date (e.g., February 2013), and a brief summary of how the material will be used.

The information provided in The ACDS Umbrella is for your information only and links are provided for your convenience. ACDS is not responsible for the content, change in content, accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, or legality of the material on external websites.