ACDS Notes
ACDS Annual General Meeting
October 12, 2016 in Leduc.
Watch for your AGM packages later in September.
Conference 2017
Save the dates
pril 24-26, 2017
Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre - Calgary
ACDS Alumni Group
Are you a leader in Disability Services and retired or planning to be retired in the near future? Do you want an opportunity to network and continue contributing to Disability Services as an ambassador, advocate and mentor?
In the past year a start up group comprised of recently retired leaders from the disability sector has been meeting to develop an ACDS Alumni Group. To date, a
Terms of Reference has been approved by the ACDS Board, a survey regarding the role of the Alumni has been circulated to member agencies, and a training session on the use of technology and its use as a communication tool has been held.
Read more at ACDS.ca
Accreditation Update
Creating Excellence Together Webinars
Covering Levels I and II, outcomes, risk management and more, this developing series of webinars discusses multiple aspects of the CET Accreditation Standards.
I like that they are so informative and at the same time short and to the point. Excellent training material that I will be reviewing with my team as well. - Almira Vujovic, Manager at REDIworks
I have gone through the webinars, and I think they are useful tools, and helpful reminders for surveyors. I have shared this with our Positive Behavior Supports Team and I think they will find it valuable. I also think it is great for agencies preparing for CET.
- Erin Thibault, Ability Resource Centre
Workforce Update
Workforce Classification System - Fall Sessions
ACDS is now booking fall Workforce Classification System sessions. To schedule one at your organization, please contact Jody Amirault (Workforce Coordinator): jody@acds.ca 403-250-9495 ext. 223
News, Events and Links
My Compass Personal Planning App
"Skills Society,
Lift Interactive and Southern Alberta Community Living Association have collaborated to build a game changing social innovation that uses new technology to improve the quality of life of people receiving supports through human service organizations."
Click the link for more info at
MyCompassPlanning.com and
"After 5 years of research and development the partners have developed a user friendly App called My Compass: People Powered Planning that provides an engaging and humanized experience in how individualized services of people with disabilities are designed. The App will work on tablets, smart phones, or any computer and also is a means to report in meaningful ways on outcomes and action plans."
Off-Site Data Backups
Storing data backups offsite is a crucial part of organizational sustainability and disaster preparedness; from flood and fire to ransomware and malware attacks. Security and integrity of your backups is a key consideration, as is the contractual need to store personal information within Canada.
We're interested to know what you're using for off-site data storage and backups, and whether you'd be interested in connecting with other ACDS members to discuss available options. Please let us know, email jamie@acds.ca.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 3rd is recognized as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities is now accepting nominations for its 2016 awards (nominations close September 30th) click for details, and the nomination form.
Grants are also available to help support IDPD community events.
Federal Accessibility Legislation - In-Person Consultation
"The Government of Canada is seeking your ideas to inform the development of this planned new legislation, including:
- feedback on the overall goal and approach;
- whom it should cover;
- what accessibility issues and barriers it should address;
- how it could be monitored and enforced;
- when or how often it should be reviewed;
- how and when to report to Canadians on its implementation; and
- how to raise accessibility awareness more generally and support organizations in improving accessibility.
Government of Alberta - Seniors Advocate Appointed
"The Seniors Advocate works with seniors to resolve a wide variety of issues. The advocate also advises government on trends and systemic issues that concern seniors and their families." News Release Office of the Seniors Advocate
Update Canada-Alberta Job Grant Application Form
"Applications submitted after August 1, 2016 must be completed on the new application form located at www.AlbertaCanada.com/jobgrant. Previous versions of the application form will no longer be accepted. The new application combines the Trainee Information and the Grant Agreement, making it easier for you to complete and for us to process. The Reimbursement and Completion forms have not changed."
Healthy Workplaces for Helping Professions
Interim report - Human service workers-in child and family, youth counselling, disabilities, and shelter work-are no strangers to high job pressures. So what can workers and agencies do to equip themselves to stay healthy on the job? The Healthy Workplaces project (funded by the GOA Ministry of Labor) tries to answer that question by developing a wellness framework for helping professionals in Alberta. This article summarizes our progress so far in finding out what pressures Alberta's care-givers face, and what steps they and their agencies can take to stay safe and sane on the job.
"This workshop series is designed to support individual wellness initiatives We take a modified "train-the-trainer" approach that shows you how to grow and share your wellness vision." Download the workshop poster Workshop overview
HWHP - Year One Survey Results By Sector For Disability Service Workers
WJS Canada - Workplace Investigations Training
"This interactive training session will give participants the knowledge to apply the legislative/regulatory environment and investigative strategies presented to practical situations. Visit the WJS Canada website for more information and to register. Breakfast and lunch included. Take advantage of special hotel accommodation pricing."
October 13 & 14 Sandman Signature Hotel Edmonton, Alberta Training Poster
__ Is there a news item, event, a learning opportunity or something else of interest that you'd like to share with other ACDS members or the public-at-large? Submissions for the ACDS members-only and public newsletters, and social media can be sent to jamie@acds.ca.
The ACDS Umbrella is a publication of the
Alberta Council of Disability Services
160 3015-12 Street NE
Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7J2
Phone: 403-250-9495 * Fax: 403-291-9864
© 2016 Alberta Council of Disability Services
Do you have something to say about
The ACDS Umbrella or any of its content?
Permission to Reprint: Is there an article or news item in this or any other ACDS Umbrella newsletter that you would like to reprint in your own newsletter or other information circular? Please contact us at
acds@acds.ca, attention Communications and Marketing, and include the title of the article, the issue date (e.g., February 2013), and a brief summary of how the material will be used.
The information provided in The ACDS Umbrella is for your information only and links are provided for your convenience. ACDS is not responsible for the content, change in content, accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, or legality of the material on external websites.