ACDS Notes

CEO Update and Past Umbrella Issues
Did you miss the CEO Update for November? Click here to view it.
Looking for past issues of the Umbrella? You can find links to them in the Members-Only section of

ACDS/PDD Contract Committee 
The group appreciated the chance to meet with Minister Sabir on November 29th, while working to finalize a contract for 2017. Watch upcoming Umbrellas for more information.
ACDS Open House 
A final reminder to join us for great snacks, conversation, and a tour of the new digs.
Training and Development Update

The Door is Open...Awakening our Collective Power!
Conference 2017 Call for Participation

The ACDS Conference Planning Committee invites you to submit a proposal to present at our 31st Annual Spring Conference in Calgary April 24-26, 2017.
The purpose of Spring Conference 2017 is to raise an appreciation of the true complexity of our work, create a culture of incremental learning and strengthen our collective power to succeed, as we face our future with confidence. Everyone has something to contribute to the movement.

Conference Sponsorships
If you know of a corporation who would benefit from this collaboration, please have them contact

Benefits include:
  • enhancing your visibility provincially,
  • differentiating your brand from your competitors,
  • strengthening relationship with existing customers or building new ones,
  • show casing your services or products,
  • developing goodwill by supporting the work of this evolving and active community,
  • and even getting rid of old inventory, as we need door prizes.  

From Community Presence to Community Inclusion (online)

Only 17 subsidized spots left!
Click for info and to register.

Sexual Health Training -
Specific to people with developmental disabilities, that was developed in collaboration with our sector.

For Foundations Tutors, From Foundations Tutors

News, Links and Events

IDPD 2016 Calendar of Events
From Calgary to Wetaskawin.
Click to view the calendar on

Status of Women Grant Program 
Non-profits and charitable organizations can get funding for projects that improve the lives of women and girls in Alberta. 
Legislature Member's Statement - Inclusion and Inclusive Employment
Click to view

Alberta Disabilities Forum - AISH Benefit Working Group
Final report - Published November 2016

Government response to Auditor General's report
"We will act on his recommendations to ensure that recipients of AISH will have improved access to this program and that wait times for approval will be reduced."

AISH too hard to access, Alberta auditor general says
"The AISH application process favours people who are good at completing forms and are persistent," Merwan Saher said in his October report, released Monday.
CBC News

Human Services aims for AISH action plan by year's end
Human Services Minister Irfan Sabir said Thursday an internal committee, made up of assistant deputy ministers, will come up with a plan by the end of the year.
CBC News

Spark Disability Arts Festival celebrates Calgary artists
The festival takes place in five venues across the city - the Alberta College of Art and Design, Arts Commons, Loft 112, Studio C and In-Definite Arts - and features everything from sculpture to painting. All of it is for sale.
CBC News

Mom with lymphoma fighting to get autistic teen daughter in a group home
When she legally becomes an adult in July, however, she will have to find a new one through Persons with Developmental Disabilities.

Laura said there's a two-year waiting list.
Metro News

Edmonton reminds drivers accessible stalls are for those with disabilities
Just in time for the busy holiday season, Edmonton drivers are being reminded not to park in accessible stalls unless they have an official placard.
Global News

Survey - Creating Accessible Hotels in Alberta
The Voice of Albertans with Disabilities is currently working on a project, funded in part by Alberta Human Rights and Multiculturalism; Creating Accessible Hotels in Alberta.

We would like to hear directly from persons with disabilities who travel and stay in hotels and lodges throughout Alberta. 
Please take the survey:

We also need  individuals who might be interested in participating in focus groups that we will arrange directly with them. Focus groups may be done by phone. Please
contact the Project Manager, Donna Graham, at 780-488-9088, Toll-free at 1-800-387-2514 or via email at regarding focus groups or if you have any questions/concerns.

Employment Opportunity - Coordinator, Alberta Disabilities Forum 
The Voice of Albertans with Disabilities is looking for a highly skilled individual to coordinate the activities of the Alberta Disabilities Forum (a coalition of non-profit organizations in the disability community).
Click for info

CCVO - Alberta Lobbyist Act Review 
ACDS has lent its support to this letter by the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations, calling on Government to maintain the Lobbyist Act exemption as defined in section 3(1) of the act.

" Communicating with public officials is fundamental to how many nonprofits that work in the public interest fulfill their missions. These organizations are interwoven through virtually all aspects of society and it is their duty to represent community needs, priorities and issues to elected and paid officials. They are NOT seeking personal or private benefit."
Click to read more  
Training and Development Resources

SAIPA - Abuse Prevention Workshop
This training gives learners the skills to recognize and report abuse and is intended for individuals receiving PDD supports and their guardians.

This training follows the PDD guidelines and standards for Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol.
Southern Alberta Individualized Planning Association

Risk Management Policies
My Risk Management Policies was developed by the Nonprofit Risk Management Center to help you create custom policies for your nonprofit. In a matter of minutes, you'll be able to create policies that suit the mission, culture, and circumstances of your organization.
Nonprofit Risk Management Center

Max Bell Foundation: Final Report - A Consultation on the Future of Policy Advocacy by Charities in Canada
Click to read
The ACDS Umbrella is a publication of the
Alberta Council of Disability Services
160 3015-12 Street NE
Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7J2
Phone: 403-250-9495 * Fax: 403-291-9864
© 2016 Alberta Council of Disability Services

Do you have something to say about 
The ACDS Umbrella or any of its content?
Send your comments or ideas to us at

Permission to Reprint: Is there an article or news item in this or any other ACDS Umbrella newsletter that you would like to reprint in your own newsletter or other information circular? Please contact us at, attention Communications and Marketing, and include the title of the article, the issue date (e.g., February 2013), and a brief summary of how the material will be used.

The information provided in The ACDS Umbrella is for your information only and links are provided for your convenience. ACDS is not responsible for the content, change in content, accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, or legality of the material on external websites.