ACCRF Logo Website
ACCRF Update
June 2017

Researcher Conference

 ACCRF Scientific Advisor to lead 
National Cancer Institute
Dr. Ned Sharpless
Dr. Norman "Ned" Sharpless was recently named the next Director of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). With an annual budget of $5.4 billion, the NCI is the largest and most pivotal resource in the global fight against cancer - conducting research, training physicians and supporting studies at other academic institutions. Dr. Sharpless is an accomplished scientist, clinician, administrator and entrepreneur. He has authored more than 150 scholarly articles, leads a comprehensive cancer center, cares for patients, and co-founded two companies developing new treatments.
Dr. Sharpless has served diligently as an ACCRF Scientific Advisor since the inception of the foundation in 2005. His thoughtful insights into basic research, translational science and drug discovery have contributed enormously to the direction and success of ACC research. Simply put, ACCRF would not have catalyzed so many important achievements without his guidance. We wish him the best of luck and success!
You may read more about Dr. Sharpless' background and achievements in  Science and  The Cancer Letter.
Each year, more than 30,000 medical oncologists gather in Chicago for the annual meetings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). ACCRF Executive Director Jeff Kaufman attends regularly, meeting with physicians about current and potential clinical trials for ACC patients. Two main themes permeated this year's meeting:  
  • Immunotherapy remains a very "hot" topic. Many tumors, including ACC, are considered "cold", meaning that they do not have many immune system cells nearby and attacking the tumors. Many researchers are trying to turn cold tumors into hot tumors by combining immunotherapy with radiation, chemotherapy, targeted drugs or even additional immunotherapies. The intent is to not only recruit immune system cells to where the tumors are, but also to activate the immune system.
Why this matters for ACC: Many new immunotherapy clinical trials are available for progressing ACC patients, most with treatment combinations to turn cold tumors hot. See ACCRF's recently updated  Current Studies webpage.  
Why this matters for ACC: Almost all ACCs are defined genomically by activation of MYB or MYBL1 genes, whether in the salivary, lacrimal or mammary glands. An effective inhibitor of MYB and MYBL1, once developed, should help most ACC patients.
ACCRF is collaborating with many medical oncologists and biopharmaceutical companies who are interested in developing clinical trials for ACC patients. In the coming years, we anticipate a steady stream of well-conceived clinical trials that will point patients to ever-improving treatments.
Fundraising Events
Our amazing patient community is always coming up with new ways to support ACC research!

On June 3, 2017, young and dedicated Sebastian sold lemonade in Cambridge, MA. USA, to raise money for ACCRF. Sebastian wants to be a scientist one day and, when he learned how much money ACC researchers need for different projects, he decided that he could help. Sebastian was able to raise over $ 200  to support ACCRF impressive effort for an 8 year old!

On June 10, 2017, the Votto family held a fundraiser in honor of their wonderful mom/aunt,Nancy McKeagney Votto, who has been battling ACC since 2011. The event in Hamden, CT, USA, featured unique Votto Vines  Wine & Gourmet Pizza.  More than one hundred friends and family had a really fun night and raised over $2,000 for ACCRF.

Upcoming Nancy's Run for ACCRF

On July 23, 2017, there will be a road race in Northampton, MA, USA, in memory of world-class runner  Nancy Conz. To learn more and register for the event, click here .

Would you like to  hold your own fundraiser to 
ACCelerate the CURE?

ACCRF is here to help you every step of the way. Please contact Marnie Kaufman at  or 781-248-9699. We look forward to working together!
mybConference for ACC Researchers
Calling all ACC researchers!

The 4th International Conference on Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors will take place at the University of Florida on October 19-20, 2017. Come learn about the latest research developments, connect with colleagues, and help chart the path towards better treatments.

To learn more about the event, see the preliminary agenda and register, click here.

 Please Help Support ACC Research