2019 DCA Reporting Calendar is Now Available
The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Office of Research has published their
2019 reporting calendar. This calendar provides deadlines, contacts, and links for county, city, and authority reports. Based on the passage of HB 257 last year, authority registration and financial reporting have been combined into a single report on a single timeline due within six months of the conclusion of the authority’s fiscal year. This change will impact all local authorities. The
new authority reporting system is live and authorities will use the same user ID and password combination that they have previously used. Transition information will be distributed by DCA to authorities in the near future to help them use the new system.
DOAA Immigration Reporting System is Live
The Immigration Report Collection System managed by the Department of Audits and Accounts (DOAA) is now live. The
reporting period is December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2018
and the due date to complete the report is
December 31, 2018. An overview of what should be reported and how to access the reporting system can be found through
DOAA’s Immigration and Reform Act Quick Reference Sheet
. The county must submit information related to their E-Verify number and authorization date, E-Verify contractor information, E-Verify private employer information, public benefit information, and must certify that it is compliant with state law regarding sanctuary policies. This report is mandatory and must be submitted by every county governing authority and all county authorities.
Please start preparing early to ensure that you have all the information needed to file the report by the deadline. DOAA will be reporting non-compliant counties to state agencies that provide state funding to local governments, so make sure that you submit your report by
December 31, 2018. If you have any technical questions about filing the report, including questions about your username or password, please contact the DOAA at
Immhelp@audits.ga.gov or visit the DOAA website at
http://www.audits.ga.gov. Step-by-step instructions on how to submit the report can be found
here. All questions about the legal requirements for this report should be directed to your county attorney.
Time to Create Your Local Complete Count Committee!
The 2020 Census will be here before you know it. The best way to make sure that you have the most accurate count is to create a local complete count committee to ensure that all residents in your county are motivated and educated about the importance of participating in the Census. These committees should include county and city governments, faith based groups, nonprofits, schools, businesses, the media, community groups, and any other organization that can help spread awareness. There are many resources available to help you get started. The U.S. Census Bureau has detailed information on their
website and the
Atlanta Regional Office can assist by hosting a workshop or meeting with your county to help you create a local committee. Don’t miss out on counting everyone in your county!