Final Report on the Senate Study Committee on Truck Driver Shortages
The Senate Study Committee on Truck Driver Shortages was established by Senate Resolution 155 during the 2023 legislative session in response to the growing truck driver shortages affecting industries across Georgia. The Senate Study Committee facilitated hearings and discussions with stakeholders, industry leaders, and educators to better understand the needs, conditions, and issues impacting truck driver shortages. Subsequently, the Senate Study Committee created recommendations aimed to bridge the gap between industry needs and workforce development. On November 29, the final meeting was held, and the Committee's final report and recommendations were.
The final report and policy recommendations are available to the public
Final Report on the Senate Study Committee on Expanding Georgia’s Workforce
The Senate Study Committee on Expanding Georgia’s Workforce was established by Senate Resolution 275 during the 2023 legislative session to examine Georgia’s current workforce practices, pilot programs, public-private partnerships, and initiatives regarding workforce development across the state. The objective was to identify opportunities to strengthen and sustain Georgia’s workforce. The Senate Study Committee heard extensive testimonies from stakeholders, representatives, and industries across the state including ACCG’s Director of Governmental Affairs Clint Mueller. On November 14, the Senate Study Committee on Expanding Georgia’s Workforce adopted the final report and policy recommendations.
The final report and policy recommendations are available to the public
Final Report on the Senate Study Committee on Certificate of Need Reform
The Senate Study Committee on Certificate of Need (CON) Reform was established by Senate Resolution 279 during the 2023 legislative session to examine whether any changes are needed to Georgia’s current CON laws to meet the needs of patients, particularly in mental health, surgery, and emergency settings.
The final report and policy recommendations are available here.
Georgia Department of Community Health Looking to Adopt New EMS Policy
On Thursday, December 14, the Department of Community Health (DCH) will hold a board meeting where they will vote on the newly proposed “Treatment without Transport” policy. Pending approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), this policy proposes to increase the reimbursement rate from $30 to $753.35 for EMS providers treating a patient at the site of incident rather than transporting them to a hospital. If approved at the DCH board meeting, the policy will go into effect January 1, 2024.
DOAS Reminder on Utilizing State Purchasing Contracts and Compliance with Public Works Bidding Laws
Georgia counties are authorized, on an optional basis, to utilize the state Department of Administrative Services' (DOAS) contracts for needed goods, services, and technology. ACCG has been asked to remind counties that, while they are also eligible to utilize the state’s exIQC contract for the repair, maintenance, and minor new construction projects, counties must still abide by state law relating to contracting and bidding requirements for public works construction projects.
Please see DOAS’s memorandum outlining this notice to local governments here.
GDOT MBUF Pilot Program - Volunteers Requested
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has asked ACCG for volunteers to participate in a
Mileage-Based User Fee (MBUF) Pilot Program. GDOT is currently looking for county officials and staff to experience and understand how a mileage-based fee would work in Georgia if authorized by the General Assembly in the future. ACCG has been selected as one of the participating stakeholder groups because counties benefit directly from taxes that fund roads and would be engaged in any future policy discussions around transportation funding. GDOT is considering all potential funding sources to replace excise and sales tax on motor fuel as vehicles become more fuel-efficient and transition to more electric and hybrid vehicles. Please join the Pilot by visiting the website at It’s free to participate and there are strict privacy protection measures to safeguard your data (privacy details are available in the FAQ document on the website).
Guidance for Requests to Disturb 50 Acres or More Under the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permits
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division has released a draft Guidance for Requests to Disturb 50 Acres or more under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Stormwater Permits. Please find the draft Guidance for Requests document
here. This notice is to inform the public that the Division held a virtual stakeholder meeting on the draft guidance on December 7, 2023. The Division is accepting public comments on the draft guidance until
December 15, 2023.
2024 GTIB Funding Available
If you have any questions please contact David Cassell, Strategic Programs Administrator at
GTA BEAD Program
The Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) recently submitted
Initial Proposal Volume 1 (IPV1) for approval by the
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). A key piece of IPV1 is how the state will administer the challenge process for the BEAD Program. GTA will be accepting challenges from local governments, internet service providers, tribal governments, and non-profits.
In order to challenge locations, entities must have an agreement in place with the federal mapping vendor CostQuest. It is of utmost importance that eligible entities planning to challenge locations obtain a Tier E agreement as soon as possible.
here to obtain a Tier E agreement. A video on how to obtain a Tier E license can be viewed
GTA Community Connections Map Survey
Help the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA)
map out the digital resources and support networks available in your community by participating in the Community Connections Map Survey. Your input will contribute to a more inclusive and connected community, ensuring everyone has access to the digital tools and support they need.