How to Improve the Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability of the Grid with ACCC® Conductor  
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) Limited Completes the 1st ACCC® Conductor Installation in Bangladesh 

With a substantial goal to increase the efficiency, capacity and reliability of the electric power grid in Bangladesh, PGCB has selected high-capacity, energy-efficient ACCC conductor for a number of upcoming projects.
The first project was expedited due to the emergency replacement of a 439 foot tall tower that had been destroyed by a severe weather event.
The replaced tower is adjacent to the Meghna River Crossing on the 230 kV double circuit Ashuganj - Serajganj Transmission Line which was rebuilt in record time. PGCB selected ACCC ULS Dhaka size conductor for both circuits of the 2,170 meter river crossing (with two mid span structures) due to its high-capacity, light-weight, extra high-strength and corrosion resistance.
The challenging project was completed with the help of the Korean Construction firm Hanbaek, whose team was additionally supported by CTC Global's Master Installers, Mr. Mark Pazen (US) and Mr. Shariff Abdullah (Malaysia).
The Ashugonj - Serajganj line is the one of the East-West electrical interconnections in Bangladesh, so there was tremendous pressure to get the line back in service very quickly to ensure adequate power transmission from Ashugonj Power Plant to Western belt of the country.
The ACCC Dhaka ULS (high-strength, high-modulus) conductor was provided by APAR Industries Limited of India and project hardware provided by Preformed Line Products (PLP) who operates numerous plants worldwide.

Pakistan Cables completes the first ACCC® Conductor Installation in Pakistan 

Anticipating the need of efficient technology in Pakistan's ailing Transmission & Distribution System, Pakistan Cables has introduced ACCC conductor, the most reputable technology in the High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) category, in collaboration with CTC Global.
The first pilot project has been successfully completed in the National Transmission & Despatch Company (NTDC) system where the capacity of the 220 kV Double Circuit Transmission Line from Gatti Substation to Nishatabad Substation has been doubled by replacing the existing conventional ACSR conductor with ACCC conductor of same diameter, lesser weight and superior tensile strength.
The Transmission Line which was identified as a System Constraint by the NTDC is now capable of carrying twice as much current after re-conductoring with ACCC Drake without making any alterations in existing structures and towers using the same Right-of-Way (ROW) within 100 Days, which is less than half the time required for construction of twin bundled line on the same 2.5 KM span.
The project was completed as a turnkey project by Pakistan Cables with the technical and design support of CTC Global. The installation was performed by local contractor NETRACON Technologies (Pvt.) Limited under supervision and training of a CTC Global Certified Master Installer.
The successful implementation and operation of this first HTLS re-conductoring Pilot Project in Pakistan, will pave way for an efficient, quick and cost effective solution for the congestion issues confronted by the Transmission & Distribution System of Pakistan as a result of increasing load demand backed by new supply options.  

For more information please visit

First ACCC® Conductor Installation Completed in Kazakstan

Within the framework of the investment program of JSC Investment Fund of Kazakhstan a new double circuit 110 kV ACCC line was recently completed in the city of Astana, Kazakhstan. The 3.4 km project was funded through a loan from the Asian Development Bank.
High-performance, high-efficiency ACCC conductor was selected for the project due to its reduced thermal sag and decreased line losses. Astana is a highly populated city where growing demand and limited generation resources necessitate highly efficient and modern solutions.
Alexander Syrvachev, Acting Deputy, Chief Engineer for Repairs, was very pleased that the construction was performed efficiently and at an adequate level. The 1078 kcmil (546.4 mm^2) Hamburg size ACCC conductor was provided by Lamifil Russia and hardware was provided by Preformed Line Products. The installation was completed with the support of the construction firm LLP Mechanized Column #13. David Pearce, one of CTC Global's Master Installers assisted with the installation and pre-installation training.

For more information please visit

CTC Global and Manufacturing Partner DeAngeli host Terna

CTC Global and Manufacturing partner DeAngeli Prodotti were honored to host representatives from Terna during their recent visit to CTC headquarters in Irvine, California.

In addition to touring CTC Global's manufacturing plant, test labs and home office, CTC, DeAngeli and Terna discussed upcoming projects and Terna project requirements.

CTC Global's Vice President of South Europe, Andrea Michele Sacripanti stated "We are very honored by Terna's visit to our home office and were very pleased with our conversations and Terna's interest in advanced composite core conductors."
The two day roundtable event covered a wide range of technology and innovation topics, including green financing, and low carbon initiatives. CTC Global's Vice President - Strategic Programs, Carl Ulrich was one of the speakers at the event. Mr. Ulrich presented the benefits of ACCC conductor and how it can help to optimize the existing right of way (ROW) using existing structures to minimize environmental impact.
"We received a very warm and friendly welcome at this event," advised Asok Raghavan, CTC Global's Director S.E.A. "We were very glad to have Chief Minister of Malacca, Deputy Secretary (Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment, NRE), and Secretary General (Ministry of Energy, Green Technology, and Water, KeTTHA) meet with us and discuss how the ACCC conductor has been independently certified by SCS Global Services due to its capability to reduce line losses and associated CO2 emissions.
The high-performance ACCC conductor is relatively new to the Malaysian market, but with the success of the first 50 km (new line) project in Pengerang, Johore last June, CTC Global anticipates additional projects in the coming months.
ACCC Conductor
CTC Global Wins Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Mercury Cable & Related Entities

CTC Global Corporation won its patent infringement suit against Mercury Cable & Energy, and related individuals and entities ("Mercury"). The lawsuit was initially filed on March 3, 2009 in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN DIVISION (case number SACV 09-cv-00261 DOC-E).
The Court entered judgment that Mercury infringed CTC's U.S. Patent No. 7,368,162 and U.S. Patent No. 7,211,319 by making, selling, offering to sell, importing, supplying components or substantial portions of components for, or testing HVCRC (a composite carbon core-based high voltage conductor), or causing others to make, sell, offer to sell, import, supply components or substantial portions of components for, or test HVCRC.
Further, the judgment confirmed that CTC Global's U.S. Patent No. 7,368,162 and U.S. Patent No. 7,211,319 are valid and enforceable, and that CTC did not commit fraud in procuring or seeking enforcement of these patents.
In addition, a permanent injunction was entered by the U.S. District Court requiring that Mercury, as well as its respective officers, agents, servants, employees and all persons who are in active concert or participation with them, immediately cease from infringing or causing others to infringe these patents.
J.D. Sitton, CTC Global's Chief Executive Officer stated: "CTC Global invested heavily to develop, test, prove and commercialize its patented ACCC core and ACCC conductor. Responsible transmission utilities around the world recognize the capability and reliability of these amazing products. My colleagues and I are gratified that Mercury has finally been held accountable for its actions."
Mr. Sitton added "CTC is focused on developing and manufacturing excellent products for, and providing industry-leading technical and field support to its utility and industrial customers. This outcome helps to ensure that innovation will continue to flourish at our company and in our industry.
*ACCC is a Registered Trademark of CTC Global Corporation and ACCC Conductor Patents have been issued in key markets, worldwide.

For more information please visit

ACCC® Conductor Receives 3rd Party Certification for Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emission Reduction Credits 

CTC Global ACCC conductor is the first electric transmission conductor in history to earn SCS certification for CO2 emission reductions resulting from improved energy efficiency. 
SCS Global Services (SCS) verified that ACCC conductor reduces CO2 emissions associated with transmission line losses by 27 to 31 percent under certain design conditions compared to conventional steel reinforced ACSR conductors, the 100-year old technology currently used in most electric transmission and distribution power lines.
To learn more Click Here
Want Answers?
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To review more articles: CLICK HERE
Looking for ACCC Hardware? Check out our Supplier Parts Database 
CTC Global added a new Hardware Supplier Parts Database to our website. The database will help you find all of the hardware components you need to install ACCC conductor. The database shows which hardware manufacturers offer the parts you might need in your particular region while offering many options.
Please check it out: CLICK HERE

Check out CTC Global's Blog
In addition to our monthly newsletter and social media posts, CTC Global also posts articles on the Company's BLOG SITE. If you haven't checked it out, please do when you have free time. You will find an interesting array of project details, industry trends and efficiency discussions and much more. We also do our best to respond to posted comments.



Free Engineering Manual
To help Transmission and Distribution planners, engineers, policy makers, grid operators, technicians and others take full advantage of the ACCC conductor's attributes, CTC Global has published a 250 page Engineering Manual.
It offers a very comprehensive set of design guidelines, case studies, figures and facts about conductors and composite materials, and includes links to additional resources and FAQ's
To download an electronic version please click: CTC Global Resources
Free Engineering Software

CTC Global created CCP software to help system planners and engineers compare the ampacity, line losses, thermal and ice load sag, and economic aspects of nearly any conductor type and size, so the numerous advantages of the ACCC conductor can be fully realized.
The user simply selects the conductor types and sizes from drop down menus and enters the appropriate values & assumptions highlighted in the yellow boxes. The program is fully functional and uses standard industry formulas (such as IEEE 738-2006). Outputs are readily comparable to Sag10®, PLS CADD™ and other similar programs.
To request a free copy click here:  CTC Global Software
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As most of you know, CTC Global has completed well over 500 projects in 46 countries with the help of several authorized conductor and hardware manufacturing partners along with many great installation crews and contractors.
For those of you that would like to stay more closely abreast of our activities, with a little light-heartedness thrown in from time to time, please consider following us on Facebook. To access our Facebook page, please click: CTC Global Facebook
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You may have already seen a number of CTC Global ACCC conductor videos over the years that were posted on various YouTube pages. In an attempt to provide you with easier access we created a YouTube page. To access it, please click: CTC Global YouTube or visit the Video Library on CTC Global's Website


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CTC Global proudly works with top-tier manufacturing partners worldwide


ACCC® Conductor is an internationally patented and trademark registered product of CTC Global Corporation.  The ACCC conductor is manufactured in association with more than 20 qualified and licensed international stranding partners. If you are interested in the ACCC conductor, please contact CTC Global to make sure your supplier is authorized to produce and deliver ACCC conductor in your area.  Thank You. 
CTC Global Corporation 2026 McGaw Avenue, Irvine, California USA 92614
Telephone: +1 949 428 8500  
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