How to Improve the Efficiency, Capacity, Reliability and Resilience of the Grid with ACCC® Conductor  



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Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Continues to Deploy ACCC® Conductor 
In an outstanding effort to increase the efficiency, capacity, reliability and resilience of their transmission assets, PGCB continues to deploy ACCC conductor on constrained transmission lines. To date ~130 circuit kilometers of ACCC has already been installed on a number of 132 kV lines.

Earlier this month, CTC Global's Chief Executive Officer, Mr. J.D. Sitton visited with PGCB in Bangladesh to to review upcoming projects and recently completed ACCC installations. Mr. Sitton stated: "I was very pleased with my visit. I learned a lot about PGCB and was very impressed by their proactive stance and determination to deliver more power, more efficiently to serve Bangladesh's growing population and economy."

Stay tuned for more updates from Bangladesh in the coming months.
CTC Global Participates at ERCOT Market Summit 2018 
CTC Global co-sponsored and participated at the ERCOT Market Summit 2018 held in Austin, Texas from February 27 - March 1. The first day was devoted to "Resiliency in the 21st Century Grid." 
David Townley, Director of Public Affairs at CTC Global moderated a panel on "Resiliency in the Transmission Planning Process" with panel members Dan Woodfin, Senior Director of System Operations at ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas), Brad Schwarz, Director of System Planning with Hunt Power, and John Fernandes, Director Regulatory Affairs with Invenergy
While we learned that a number of resiliency measures have already found their way in to the ERCOT planning process, additional measures, including high performance advanced conductors, should be considered to increase resiliency. Also discussed were the potential resiliency effects on the transmission system of distribution level measures such as rooftop solar, microgrids, storage, "smart grids", and 2-way distribution flows. High capacity distribution conductor can add resiliency to the distribution system under these new conditions.

Later in the ERCOT conference, David Townley also participated as a panelist in a discussion of "Solutions to Transmission Congestion Constraints and Risks in Texas". Other panelists were Stuart Nelson, Senior vice President, Transmission Business Development with LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority), and Brad Schwarz, Director of System Planning with Hunt Power.  The moderator was Dwain Rogers, Executive Director with Clean TX

The CREZ transmission expansion investments to facilitate wind growth have been very successful and the transmission capacity expansion provided by that investment has been fully subscribed.  With rapidly expanding solar in central and western Texas, new transmission congestion will have to be addressed. 

A leading alternative, among several potential solutions, is reconductoring congested transmission pathways with high capacity, high efficiency ACCC conductor. This reconductoring using existing towers is a very cost effective and relatively fast solution to open up more pathways to get solar energy to the higher load areas in central and east Texas.
CTC Global Participates at US-Indonesia Energy Day in Jakarta   
To help facilitate trade and investment in the Indonesian power generation and transmission sector, the US Embassy organized the 2018 US-Indonesia Energy Day in Jakarta on 18th January.  The event brought together government officials, the utility PLN, Independent Power Producers (IPP's) and US  companies operating in Indonesia. 
The event showcased the official opening of CTC's core manufacturing facility (Composite Core Indonesia) in Jakarta on 2nd November 2017, underpinning our commitment to developing local expertise and content.
CTC Global was represented at the event by Asok Raghavan, Regional Manager (SEA).  Asok delivered a presentation introducing CTC Global and highlighting the fact that to-date PLN has installed more than 13,000km of ACCC® conductor as an integral part of its transmission network upgrading program - more than any other utility in the world.  Asok also participated in a panel discussion on "Transmission, Distribution and Smartgrids" in the Indonesian energy market context.
In his opening address the Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources stressed that reduction in transmission losses was a key area of focus for the government and the event offered the perfect opportunity  to present ACCC® conductor as an important contributor to this important objective.

David Townley, Director of Public Affairs, CTC Global Corporation
CTC Global Participates at Transmission Summit East 2018

CTC Global sponsored and participated in the Transmission Summit EAST 2018 (Infocast conference) held in Washington, DC from March 7- 9. The first day was devoted to "Resiliency in the 21st Century Grid."
David Townley, Director of Public Affairs at CTC Global moderated a panel on "Resiliency in the Transmission Planning Process" with panel members Mohammed (Mo) Alfayyoumi, Director Transmission System Operations Center at Dominion Energy, Aubrey Johnson, Executive Director, System Planning & Competitive Transmission for MISO, and Paul McGlynn, Senior Director, System Planning for PJM Interconnection.
The panel topic was introduced with 2 pictures from Oklahoma Gas & Electric May 2013 after the EF-5 tornado hit Moore, OK and the OG&E transmission lines with ACCC installed. Although a conductor was heavily frayed by debris, the ACCC composite core held the conductor in the air. This enabled an OG&E crew to quickly return the pathway to service. Had the conductor been broken and on the ground, it would have taken a couple of days to return the pathway to service.
The panelist discussed a number of resiliency measures that have already found their way into the MISO, PJM, and Dominion planning processes, as well as other measures such as Mobile Command Centers, smart metering, and drones (for damage inspection) that have enabled more rapid recovery (resiliency) following a major disruption.
Later in the conference, David Townley moderated another panel that explored "Grid Modernization and Aging Infrastructure Upgrades." Panel members included John Rosales, Commissioner, Illinois Commerce Commission, Angela Weber, Commissioner, Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, Durgesh Manjure, Senior Manager, Grid Operations at MISO, and Prashanth Duvoor and Hudson Gilmer, Vice Presidents with Ampacimon and Genscape, respectively.
The panel discussed how "new" and advanced technologies, including high performance conductor, like ACCC, are integrated into grid operations, and how these alternatives to traditional transmission investment could be more fully explored by utilities and regulators. The technologies explored by this panel all enable more capacity to be extracted from an existing transmission pathway.
OG&E Crew members prepare to splice in new ACCC conductor section after taking a direct hit from an EF-4/5 tornado. Core survival helped expedite repairs.
CTC Global Health & Lifestyle Expo a Great Success

With the help of Health Dimensions and sponsors Memorial Care and San Diego County Credit Union, along with numerous health care providers and specialists, CTC Global held it annual 2018 Health & Lifestyle Expo at its corporate headquarters in Irvine, California.
In addition to a fantastic lunch and educational games, CTC Global's staff enjoyed an outstanding array of feedback from specialists ranging from yoga instructors to chiropractors. It was a great experience which continues to improve, year after year.
CTC Global's staff ranging from our production crew to our management teams appreciated all the effort our visitors put into the event and offer a special thanks to our own HR department for coordinating the event
Want More Answers?
Check out these informative Articles:

T&D World: Belgium pioneers the use of high-temperature, low-sag conductors to increase transmission system load transfer: Elia owns the transmission system in Belgium as well as 94% (ownership and user rights) of the high-voltage distribution network. The 150-kV to 380-kV transmission system is a key link between the electricity markets in northern and southern Europe... READ MORE

T&D India: CTC Global is highly committed to serve India: US-based CTC Global Corporation has developed and owns the rights to the highly efficient ACCC conductor technology. CTC caters to the Indian market with strategic tie-ups with Sterlite Power and Apar. CTC Global is expanding its footprint in India with projects from both government and private entities. We have Dave Bryant and Hitesh Mundhada jointly speaking on CTC Global's journey in India on the road ahead. An interview by Venugopal Pillai. READ MORE

Global Renewable News: How to Improve the Economic Viability of Renewable Resources: Leveraging modern conductors can improve the economic viability of renewable resources projects and enable the power grid to handle added electrical current. Renewable energy resources are often located miles away from local demand centers. Wind farms, for instance, are generally found far from city limits, located on windy mountaintops or rural, prairie lands. READ MORE

Wire & Cable India: More Power to India's T&D Structure through Pioneering ACCC Conductors: The development of cutting-edge ACCC® conductors by CTC Global incorporated highly evolved aerospace technology and materials science to create a new higher-strength, lighter-weight core that could incorporate additional conductive aluminum without a weight or diameter penalty, and be utilized to reduce thermal sag, increase spans between fewer structures, carry more current, reduce line losses and improve grid reliability. READ MORE

T&D India: The SCS certification can drive better adoption of ACCC conductors: SCS has assessed that ACCC conductors developed by CTC Global can reduce CO2 emissions by 27-31 per cent vis-à-vis ACSR conductors. Tell us more about how the underlying tests were performed. How long did the entire... READ MORE

Power Networks: Composite conductor cuts transmission connection time: Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has utilised an innovative composite conductor to cut the grid connection time for Beinneun wind farm by two months. READ MORE

Electric Energy T&D: Envisioning the 21st Century Grid: How will renewable energies shape the future of the worlds electrical grid? READ MORE

T&D World: Energized Rebuild: The energized reconductor project in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) that finished in November 2015 is a landmark achievement for American Electric Power (AEP) and the utility industry. By capitalizing on innovative technologies from across the industry, AEP solved an immediate need to provide reliable electricity to its customers in the LRGV and simultaneously addressed future load growth. READ MORE  

Electric Energy T&D: Shedding Light on the Importance of Transmission Line Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability: Following the Western Energy Crisis of 2000 and the Major East Coast Blackout of 2003, a group of engineers from California got together to design a new type of bare overhead conductor that could carry twice the current of conventional without exhibiting excessive conductor sag. READ MORE

The Times of India: Staggered power supply may soon be a thing of the past: The Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Limited (MSETCL) has planned for high ampacity power supply around Nashik city connecting seven of its 132 kV power stations to deliver quality power to the citizens: READ MORE

To review more articles: CLICK HERE
Looking for ACCC Hardware? Check out our Supplier Parts Database 
CTC Global added a new Hardware Supplier Parts Database to our website. The database will help you find all of the hardware components you need to install ACCC conductor. The database shows which hardware manufacturers offer the parts you might need in your particular region while offering many options.
Please check it out: CLICK HERE

Check out CTC Global's Blog
In addition to our monthly newsletter and social media posts, CTC Global also posts articles on the Company's BLOG SITE. If you haven't checked it out, please do when you have free time. You will find an interesting array of project details, industry trends and efficiency discussions and much more. We also do our best to respond to posted comments.



Free Engineering Manual
To help Transmission and Distribution planners, engineers, policy makers, grid operators, technicians and others take full advantage of the ACCC conductor's attributes, CTC Global has published a 250 page Engineering Manual.
It offers a very comprehensive set of design guidelines, case studies, figures and facts about conductors and composite materials, and includes links to additional resources and FAQ's
To download an electronic version please click: CTC Global Resources
Free Engineering Software

CTC Global created CCP software to help system planners and engineers compare the ampacity, line losses, thermal and ice load sag, and economic aspects of nearly any conductor type and size, so the numerous advantages of the ACCC conductor can be fully realized.
The user simply selects the conductor types and sizes from drop down menus and enters the appropriate values & assumptions highlighted in the yellow boxes. The program is fully functional and uses standard industry formulas (such as IEEE 738-2006). Outputs are readily comparable to Sag10®, PLS CADD™ and other similar programs.
To request a free copy click here:  CTC Global Software
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We hope you find our monthly newsletter informative, but realize you may not have time to read 1,000 e-mails every week. If you'd like to only receive periodic announcements about major CTC Global and ACCC conductor activities please consider following us on LinkedIn. To access our LinkedIn page please click: CTC Global LinkedIn 
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As most of you know, CTC Global has completed well over 500 projects in 46 countries with the help of several authorized conductor and hardware manufacturing partners along with many great installation crews and contractors.
For those of you that would like to stay more closely abreast of our activities, with a little light-heartedness thrown in from time to time, please consider following us on Facebook. To access our Facebook page, please click: CTC Global Facebook
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Follow CTC Global on YouTube

You may have already seen a number of CTC Global ACCC conductor videos over the years that were posted on various YouTube pages. In an attempt to provide you with easier access we created a YouTube page. To access it, please click: CTC Global YouTube or visit the Video Library on CTC Global's Website


CTC Global proudly works with top-tier manufacturing partners worldwide


ACCC® Conductor is an internationally patented and trademark registered product of CTC Global Corporation.  The ACCC conductor is manufactured in association with more than two dozen qualified and licensed international stranding partners. If you are interested in the ACCC conductor, please contact CTC Global to make sure your supplier is authorized to produce and deliver ACCC conductor in your area.  Thank You. 
CTC Global Corporation 2026 McGaw Avenue, Irvine, California USA 92614
Telephone: +1 949 428 8500  
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