How to Improve the Efficiency, Capacity, Reliability and Resilience
of the Electric Power Grid using ACCC® Conductor  
CTC Global
High Performance Conductors for a Low Carbon World™
ACCC® News - January 2023
The ACCC® Conductor

The ACCC® Conductor was the world's first commercially available and most rigorously tested carbon fiber core conductor in the world. It has been selected by more than 250 Utilities and Industrial customers in more than 65 countries for over 1,100 projects ranging from 11 kV AC to 1,100 kV DC. It is, hands-down, the best performing conductor in the world today.

Initially developed to mitigate thermal sag and alleviate grid capacity bottlenecks, the ACCC® Conductor delivers much more. It’s hybrid carbon fiber core offers superior performance and longevity. Its lightweight composite core enables the use of ~30% more conductive aluminum that decreases electrical resistance and line losses. This dramatically improved efficiency is freeing up wasted generation capacity, reducing fuel consumption, and cutting CO2 and other GHG emissions from fossil fired thermal power plants.

The ACCC® Conductor’s ability to double the capacity of existing transmission lines will help the world’s electric power providers deliver reliable and affordable power to people of the world for decades to come.

Thank you to everyone that has supported CTC Global and the ACCC® Conductor’s evolution over the last 20 years. Happy New Year.
118 ACCC® Projects Energized in 2022

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of our friends, business partners, engineering firms, contractors, lab techs, industry organizations, customers and support personnel, worldwide, that have helped CTC Global grow from a team of five to over five-hundred. We are very proud to have helped develop, test and deploy a new generation of Advanced Conductors that are being embraced widely and helping build a modern, resilient and reliable power grid that is improving the quality of life for tens of millions of people, globally.
The ACCC InfoCore® System

The ACCC InfoCore® System reduces real-world conductor installation risk experienced by utilities, contractors and lineman across the globe. These dedicated professionals know that even with the best tools, equipment and field conditions, accidents can happen. By using a proprietary infrared light system, special fibers in the core, and a robust data-capture and recording methodology, the ACCC InfoCore® System can confirm the integrity of the conductor in minutes. While not mandatory, this capability serves to improve reliability and confidence. The system is capable of confirming very long continuous spans and is currently being utilized globally.

The process begins by accessing the conductor at each end, prepping the core ends using tools provided in the ACCC InfoCore® Verification Kit.

  • Prepping tool used on both ends of the section or reel.
  • Transmitter is attached to one end of the ACCC® Conductor.
  • Receiver is attached to the other end.
  • Controller receives, reviews and records the results.

CTC Global’s ACCC InfoCore® System makes confirming successful conductor installation safe, simple and fast. Alternate methods include CT Scan, X-Ray inspection, and Magnetic Pulse Technology, but these devices are very slow and expensive.

The ACCC InfoCore® System is commercially available and has been deployed to a number of sites worldwide. It is noteworthy that there is no performance difference between ACCC® Conductor and ACCC InfoCore® Conductor. ACCC InfoCore® Field Verification Kits are easy to use, and available through CTC Global’s Master Installers network. For more information please contact CTC Global or email
PGCB Completes Padma River Crossing with ACCC® Conductor

The Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) recently energized a 7.5 km crossing of the Padma River in the district of Munshiganj using ACCC® Dhaka size conductor. It is a double circuit, quad bundle, 400 kV line consisting of 90 km (56 miles) of ACCC® Conductor manufactured by Apar Industries, India. ACCC® Hardware for the project was provided by Dervaux.

The crossing was accomplished using 128 meter (420’) tall lattice towers, spaced 828 meters (0.51 miles) apart. KEC International, Ltd, and Shohel Engineers completed the work in 57 days from start of conductor installation to energization with installation training, supervision assistance and technical support provided by CTC Global and ACCC® Master Installers from Teems India, Ltd.

To quote KEC: "The line enables transmission of reliable power to Dhaka City and further strengthens the country's national grid." The photos below offer a glimpse into the magnitude of this project. Very impressive work by all participants!
ACCC® Conductor by the Numbers

Line Loss Reductions of ACCC® Conductor currently installed:
Save 6,856,599 MWh every year: Enough Electricity to Power 639,907 US Homes or Recharge 1,804,368 Electric Cars

Reduce CO2 Emission by 4,268,264 Metric Tons: The Equivalent of Removing 927,884 Cars (@4.6 MT/car/year)

Replace 3,300 MW of Wind Generation: Which potentially Saves 82 Billion Gallons of Water (used at thermal power plants @12k gallon/MWh) 

Did you know the the ACCC® Conductor's performance / efficiency attributes were the first to be independently certified by SCS Global Services? Check this out
Installing ACCC Conductor - Animated Video
Looking for ACCC® Conductor Hardware?
Check out our Supplier Parts Database

CTC Global added a new Hardware Supplier Parts Database to our website. The database will help you find all of the hardware components you need to install ACCC® Conductor. The database shows which hardware manufacturers offer the parts you might need in your particular region while offering many options. 
If you need any additional support please contact
CTC Global Factory Video
CTC Global proudly works with top-tier manufacturing partners worldwide
ACCC® Conductor is an internationally patented and trademark registered product of CTC Global Corporation. The ACCC® Conductor is manufactured in association with 30+ qualified and licensed international stranding partners. If you are interested in the ACCC® Conductor, please contact CTC Global to make sure your supplier is authorized to produce and deliver ACCC® Conductor in your area. Thank You. 
CTC Global, Inc. 2026 McGaw Avenue Irvine,
CA 92614 Phone: +1 949.428.8500