ACAS - How to handle impacts of Coronavirus

Dear Member

Tourism Alliance has informed us that ACAS is holding two sessions for businesses on how to handle the impacts of Coronavirus – a live Twitter Q&A and a Webinar.

Here are the details:
Live Twitter Q&A session  - Friday 20 March. 10.30am. 
If you have questions or concerns about time off work, pay, remote working and what steps you can take to reduce the spread of the virus, join Acas experts this Friday to chat live on Twitter.
Send your questions in advance to @acasorguk #AskAcas.

Multiple dates available.  Register to attend

This free webinar will provide practical advice for employers to help manage the impact of Coronavirus in the workplace. It includes:

- steps that can help reduce the spread of the virus 
- effective ways of communicating with employees 
- self-isolating, time off, sickness certification and sick pay 
- altering working hours, shift patterns and working arrangements 
- remote working and the use of technology 

ACAS practical information on coronavirus  is reviewed daily to give you access to the most recent updates and common sense advice. For example, today’s update included more on social distancing and vulnerable workers; updates on working from home, lay-offs and short-time working; and a section on cleaning a workplace if someone comes to work with coronavirus.

We hope you find the above information useful.

With best wishes,

Go New Forest