AC44 Monthly Digest: June 2022

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Welcome back to the AC44 monthly digest for the County’s Comprehensive Plan update! This is where we’ll share the work we’ve done over the past month, the feedback we heard, and upcoming opportunities to participate.  

Because the Comprehensive Plan involves so many different interests, this monthly newsletter is being shared with everyone who has subscribed to one or more County email lists. More frequent AC44-specific updates will be sent to AC44 subscribers.

To subscribe to the AC44 list, please visit this webpage and check the box next to "Albemarle 2044 - Comprehensive Plan Update"

Ways to Participate

We want to hear from you!

Questionnaire #2: Growth Management Options is open now through Friday, July 15. In this questionnaire, we ask you to consider potential Growth Management Options that build on the current growth management policy and have the potential to support goals for equity, climate action, and planning for growth.

After the questionnaire closes, we will have a Planning Commission work session where we will share your feedback and hear the Commission’s input on the Growth Management Options. Stay tuned for more details and additional opportunities to participate!

June: What We Did

In June we hosted open houses, held virtual “office hours,” and launched our second online questionnaire, which focuses on Growth Management Options. We also developed resources related to growth management to help us evaluate the current policy. These resources include a video introduction to the Growth Management Policy and posters for our in person open houses. Visit the project website to see the Planning for Growth Resources.

We also rolled out initial findings from the Land Use Buildout Analysis. The Land Use Buildout Analysis is an estimate of the maximum number of homes and square feet of non-residential uses such as office, commercial/retail, and industrial, that could be built within the County’s Development Areas. We presented initial findings from the analysis to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. You can view the presentation slides and a Background Report summary with interactive maps of the initial findings.

Based on feedback from the Planning Commission and Board, we are conducting additional studies about development patterns and growth. These studies will further inform our evaluation of Growth Management.

June Engagement By-the-Numbers

About the Comprehensive Plan

AC44 (or Albemarle County 2044) is the project name for the County’s Comprehensive Plan update and is one of the ways the County is planning for an inclusive and resilient future. The Comprehensive Plan sets priorities and serves as a guide for the future physical development of Albemarle County. The Plan includes recommendations for how and where the county should grow, supporting local businesses and industry, protecting and enhancing natural resources, providing transportation options for walking, biking, taking transit, and driving, and allowing and encouraging a variety of housing types.   

The goals for the project are to: 

  • Update plan content to reflect recent county-wide strategic initiatives including climate action planning, economic development, and multi-modal transportation planning. 
  • Ensure that equity is integrated into the engagement process and the updated plan content, consistent with the County’s recently added “Community” organizational value. 
  • Improve Plan usability by articulating clearly prioritized goals, incorporating metrics for tracking progress, and applying a modern, streamlined document design. 

The Comprehensive Plan will be updated in a four-phased approach, with the adoption of the final Comprehensive Plan expected in late 2024. We are currently in Phase 1: Plan for Growth, which will be focused on the County’s Growth Management Policy

Why the name 'Albemarle County 2044 (AC44)’?

The process to update the Comp Plan kicked off in early 2022 and is anticipated to be completed by the fall of 2024. When adopted, the Comp Plan will be in effect from 2024 to 2044 with periodic updates, in response to changing conditions and trends in the county. 'AC44' is an abbreviation of the full project name.

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Meet Our Team

We have a talented, multidisciplinary team working on AC44. Contact us by phone or email: -or- (434) 296-5832 ext. 3272


Rachel Falkenstein

Planning Manager


Tori Kanellopoulos

Senior Planner II


Mariah Gleason

Urban Designer

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Ben Holt

Senior Planner II


Serena Gruia

Public Engagement Coordinator

Have You Visited Our Online Engagement Center?

We are looking forward to providing you with a variety of robust tools designed to enable you to share your expertise, ideas, and feedback with us on a regular basis.

Please visit the site and register to access current and future projects.

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We have a new podcast! The Let’s Talk Albemarle podcast seeks to foster community participation through the exploration of important topics in Albemarle County. Listen free on Apple Podcast, iHeart, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, or our website.

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