General County News

Thursday, July 14, 2022

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Online Questionnaire Closes at 10 pm Sunday, July 17

Thank you to everyone who has participated so far in the online questionnaire. There is still time to visit the website and share your thoughts!

  • Visit the Introduction to AC44 webpage to learn about the background of the project, why we have a Comprehensive Plan, and what the Plan is used for in day-to-day life.
  • Visit the Planning for Growth webpage to learn the background of the Growth Management Policy (a component of the Comp Plan), review the initial ideas about ways we might update the Policy, and share your feedback.
Go to Questionnaire

Online Resources

To help us collectively evaluate the Growth Management Policy we have compiled some resources that provide information about the history of the policy, growth trends, and future projections. Dive in to learn more about the topic of growth management in Albemarle County.


Watch the Introduction to the Growth Management Policy Video

Have You Visited Our Online Engagement Center?

We are looking forward to providing you with a variety of robust tools designed to enable you to share your expertise, ideas, and feedback with us on a regular basis.

Please visit the site and register to access current and future projects.

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We have a new podcast! The Let’s Talk Albemarle podcast seeks to foster community participation through the exploration of important topics in Albemarle County. Listen free on Apple Podcast, iHeart, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, or our website.

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