Shabbat Parah / Parshat Tzav

March 30, 2024 / 20 Adar II 5784


Kabbalat Shabbat Service: Friday, 6:30pm in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel

Sanctuary Service: Saturday, 9:45am in the Sanctuary, on Zoom, or via Livestream

Minyan M'at Service: Saturday, 10am in 5 North

TeleTefila Service: Saturday, 9:40am P'sukei D'zimra, 10am Shacharit on Zoom

Mishpacha Service (Ages 0-4, with Parents): Saturday, 11am in 2 North

Yigdal Service (Ages 5-7, with Parents): Saturday, 11am in 2 South

Big Kids Service (Ages 8-12, Kids Only): Saturday, 11am in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel

TeleTefila Havdallah: Saturday, 8:01pm on Zoom


Thursday (Tonight), 7:45pm: Wrestling with Oct. 7 and its Aftermath -- Jewish Communal Responses, with Minyan M'at in Hirsch Hall

Saturday, 9am: Rabbi Jules Harlow Parshat HaShavua Class in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or on ZoomClick here for the Source Sheet (updated Friday)

Tuesday, 7:30pm: Shirei Chesed Rehearsal in 5 North

Wednesday, 7pm: Wednesday Night Talmud in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or on Zoom

Wednesday, 7:30pm: Wrestling with Oct. 7 and its Aftermath -- Zionism, Diaspora Jewry & Oct. 7, with Minyan M'at at Ansche Chesed

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Join us in mourning our member, Fred Mansbach, Meir ben Aharon HaLevi u'Miriam, and in wishing comfort to his wife Toni Landau, their daughter Alix, and Alix's husband, Mac Rutledge, and their children, Mariana and Georgia.


Thank you to everyone who helped sponsor our Celebratory Kiddush this Shabbat! Click here to read the warm wishes and messages that our sponsors shared with our community.


AC Cemetery Plots

Did you know that Ansche Chesed has cemetery plots available for purchase, by both members and nonmembers, at beautiful Riverside Cemetery in Saddlebrook, New Jersey? Start planning now so that this is taken care of for your loved ones. You’ll also be supporting Ansche Chesed through your purchase.

Email or call Martin in our office at (212) 865-0600 ext. 216 to make these arrangements. The price of one plot is currently $1,000, but will be raised to $1,400 on July 1st.


SmallerConcertFlyer image

Tuesday, April 9, at 7pm

Come for a glorious evening of spirited vocal performance, presenting classics from Sondheim and Bernstein right up to brand-new compositions. We will be honoring our beloved Cantor Natasha Hirschhorn on the occasion of her 20th anniversary with Ansche Chesed.

Featuring her friends and guest Cantors-Composers Gerald Cohen, Benjie Ellen Schiller and Isaac Sonett-Assor, with the Shirei Chesed Community Choir and internationally acclaimed pianist Alexandra Joan.

Champagne reception and treats to follow!

Learn More and Register


If you are looking for ways to help or resources addressing the ongoing conflict, check the Israel page on our website.

Wrestling with October 7 and its Aftermath:

A Series of Panel Discussions with Minyan M'at

First Panel on Thursday, March 28 at 7:45pm

Second Panel on Wednesday, April 3 at 7:30pm

Minyan M’at is thrilled to sponsor a series of panels devoted to exploring issues that affect our community after the horrors of October 7 and Israel’s response. Outstanding Jewish thinkers will come together to talk about Jewish communal responses to October 7, the role of Zionism for Diaspora Jewry, the role of “Jewish Progressives”, and how we should think about prayer in a time of war.

The first panel will feature rabbis from different streams of Judaism discussing the impact on them and their communities. Light refreshments will be served.

Learn More and RSVP


An Evening with Krav Maga Expert: Tsahi Shemesh

Wednesday, April 17 from 7:30 - 9pm in 5 North

The rise in antisemitism since October 7th impacts all of us. The growing number of verbal and physical attacks, even here on the UWS, have served as a wake up call that Jews can be targeted everywhere. Ansche Chesed is proud to host an interactive seminar with Tsahi Shemesh, the founder and CEO of Krav Maga Experts, our neighbor on 100th Street. Tsahi will talk about what Jews can do to defend themselves and how to identify potential threats before they escalate. It will be an evening of discussion as well as a demonstration of Krav Maga techniques, and audience participation. Space is limited, so please RSVP here and wear loose-fitting clothes.  


Take a look at our 2023-2024 Family and Teen Programming Calendar.

Special Big Kids Service This Shabbat

Saturday, March 30 at 11am

Two of our fabulous teens, who themselves grew up in our AC kids services, Isaiah Rosenn (ACHS Kitah Hey assistant teacher) and Eden Litt, will be co-leading the Big Kids service. There will be great melodies, discussions and an opportunity to learn how to lead some of the prayers.


Weekday Morning Minyan

Mondays - Fridays at 7:30am

Sundays and Civil Holidays at 8:30am

in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or on Zoom

Join our WhatsApp group, which we'll post to when we need people.

Misheberakh List

We invite you to add the names of your dear ones. Please re-submit them each English calendar month if you'd like us to keep davvening for them.


Rabbi Jules Harlow Parshat HaShavuah Class

Saturdays, 9am in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or on Zoom


Come before class at 8:45am for hot coffee and schmoozing! This class is dedicated to Rabbi Jules Harlow, a great teacher of Torah and Jewish liturgy. Click for this week's Source Sheet (updated Friday afternoons)

Shirei Chesed Community Chorus

Tuesdays, 7:30-9pm in 5 North

Shirei Chesed builds community through a rich repertoire of Jewish music, bringing harmony into a world that needs it more than ever. For more information or to schedule an audition, email Hazzan Hirschhorn.

Wednesday Night Talmud

Wednesdays, 7pm in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or on Zoom

Join us to study tractate Sanhedrin, chapter 4. This class is best in person -- so please come! Also available via Zoom (ID: 837 8598 8052 | Passcode: chesed)

Parsha Talk


Join Rabbi Kalmanofsky and his buddies, Rabbis Barry Chesler and Eliot Malomet, for their weekly Parsha Talk. Watch the latest episode


Ansche Chesed Refugee Assistance

ACRA has helped four families rebuild their lives in the US. Learn more about our efforts, or reach out to get involved.


DOROT Passover Package Delivery

Sunday, April 7 at DOROT (171 W. 85th St. or 130 E. 82nd St.)

The holidays can leave older adults feeling isolated and alone. Volunteer to deliver a Passover package and share a visit or friendly phone call with an older adult. Learn more and register or call 917-441-3726.


Seeking Apartment for Pesach -- From Judith Edelstein

Adult couple seeking an apartment in NY for Pesach. Please let me know of any leads at

Acosmism: Hassidism’s Gift to the Jews… and the World

-- From Cecile Kuznitz

Professor Yitzhak Melamed will present his paper arguing that the most significant Jewish contribution to modern Western philosophy - the notion of acosmism, according to which only God truly and fully exists - originated in early Hassidism. Free and open to the public. Learn More and RSVP

Members may email us Shuk postings, sending a brief blurb including a member's contact info. Must be received by Tuesday at 3pm. Posts run for two weeks.

Despite our best efforts and extensive proofreading, we apologize for any errors or omissions.