March is Women’s History Month. This is our call to explore the history, know the issues we still face, and support the organizations for the advancement of women, girls, and their families. SA Branch has supported the mission of AAUW robustly – in words, deeds, and financially. Many thanks for your generous giving! March 8th marks International Women’s Day – imagine a world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive, and where difference is valued and celebrated. Celebrate your “shero”!

Be ready for voting, with early voting February 14-25. Texas Primary Election Day is March 1. Be aware that there continues to be actions out there that complicate voting. An example is the Texas voting rule passed in December 2021 indicating new ID matching requirements between mail-in ballot requests and the voter’s records. Recommendation is to include both driver’s license and social security number (last 4 digits) with your mail-in ballot request. The last day for applications for mail-in ballots is February18.

Due to the current status of COVID, the Texas AAUW Conference will be virtual on April 30. More details will be coming regarding registration and program highlights. This is the 50th Texas AAUW Convention (dubbed “Golden Opportunity”) and the 50th Anniversary of Title IX. The day is currently planned for 9:00-4:45.

Preparation has begun for this year’s awards for Text Book and Graduate scholarships. Committees meeting to review applications for these awards will make recommendations to our branch Board, with awards presented at our April 2 meeting.

Also at the April meeting, members will vote for the election of new SA branch officers for 2022-2023. The new AAUW year begins July 1. See the article in this newsletter for more details on this important annual event.

Please mark your calendars for our meeting on March 5th and the presentation by the AAUW National Board Chair, Julia T. Brown, Esq., on Negotiation Skills: Affecting Hiring, Promotion, Pay and Equity. As we heard from Malinda Gaul in February, student debt has an extremely negative effect for many women when it comes to pay equity. Julia Brown’s presentation provides an opportunity for hearing more about innovative actions women can take to achieve equity in the workplace.

Remain careful in your activities in this remaining COVID period, and also hopeful for its resolution and return to normalcy!

Stronger together –
Cheryl Fuller
AAUW San Antonio President