
Did you ever wonder how the AAP sets its top priorities for the upcoming year? One of the ways is in the form of resolutions submitted to the chapter and presented at the Annual Leadership Forum (ALF) each March. A resolution starts as an idea. Now you are thinking how could your, or my little idea, influence the AAP at a national level. That is what I used to think. Then I had that idea and wrote it into a resolution for submission. Little did I know that my idea would be voted the number one resolution at ALF 2014. 

Now it is your turn. You can do it, too. Did you ever think, "I wish I could change that!" ...or, "Why doesn't someone do something about that?" Well, that someone could be you. Resolutions can be about any aspect of pediatrics, including practice, policy, advocacy, finance, education, or even about the way the AAP operates.

For information on how to submit a resolution, visit

Your resolution should preferably be submitted to by October 15th. That gives plenty of time for fine tuning and presentation to our chapter board for sponsorship, then in turn, at the district level early November before final submission by Dec. 3rd.

We have a timely article by Assemblyman Dr. Richard Pan, who is an associate professor of pediatrics at UC Davis Children's Hospital. Last month, Dr. Ed Curry, AAP-CA 2 vice president, and I had the opportunity to spend some time with Dr. Pan at the AAP Joint District (VII & IX) in San Francisco.

Dr. Paula Whiteman, Dr. Richard Pan, and Dr. Ed Curry.

There is also a nostalgic article by Dr. E. Richard Stiehm, Distinguished Research Professor of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.


Both articles feature a brief commentary by Kris Calvin, CEO AAP-CA.

We have two Town Hall meetings this month, as well as a co-sponsored event with the American Lung Association in Riverside County. Please visit our website, for more information.

As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions. I look forward to seeing you at our next board meeting on the evening of September 17th, to be held Providence Tarzana Medical Center in Tarzana, CA. Please click here to RSVP by September 12th as we need to provide a final count as dinner will be served. 


Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP

A Pediatrician in the Legislature Makes a Big Difference
Richard Pan, MD, MPH, FAAP; Assemblymember

When I served on my AAP Chapter Board, my chapter identified advocacy as being the top priority for the Chapter. Later, as AAP District Vice-Chair, I conducted a membership survey for the district strategic plan, and again, advocacy for children and pediatricians was the top priority. Members wanted the AAP to influence state policy.

Despite this desire, limited resources made it difficult for the California AAP to do more than respond to proposed legislation. Sponsoring even one bill would take up almost all of our resources. But that changed in 2010 when I was the first pediatrician elected to serve in the California legislature.  Read more...

Kindergarten Is Not What It Used To Be

E. Richard Stiehm, MD

Distinguished Research Professor of Pediatrics

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA


My grade school, Randall, in Madison Wisconsin recently celebrated its 100th birthday. It's a two-story red brick Gothic building in a middle class neighborhood near the University, now recognized as a national landmark.

I spent more years there... seven... than in any other school during my seemingly endless education ending at age 33. My early school days were, however, the antithesis of today's elementary school education---no preschool, no yearly achievement tests, no tests; no one-size-fits-all curriculum, no class standings, no homework. Just a place to get a nice start for the rest of one's life.    Read more...


Note from Kris Calvin


On September 3rd, 2014, following passage by both Houses of the California Legislature, AB 1444 (Buchanan) was sent to  Governor Brown for consideration of his signature. This bill  would  make  kindergarten attendance, which is currently "optional",  mandatory in California prior to a child's admission to first grade. AAP-CA supports AB 1444 and has urged the Governor to sign it. At the time of this writing, the Governor has not yet acted on the bill.

Events This Month - RSVP Required

Town Hall - Sept. 10, in Studio City
Keynote Speaker - Bill Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP
Dr. Mason will provide up-to-date information on HPV infection, HPV-related disease, and HPV cancers.   HPV vaccine information and recommendations, as well as HPV vaccine safety and impact, are reviewed.

The presentation also provides evidence-based suggestions for successful HPV vaccine communication with patients and their parents, as well as the current HPV vaccine communication resources available from CDC.   

RSVP: Daniel Bruckner, M.D. at   See Flyer

Quarterly Board of Directors Meeting
Sept. 17 at Providence Tarzana Medical Center - Auditorium
Time: 6:30 - 9:00 PM
RSVP by Sept 12 if you plan to attend:  Click Here to RSVP

Lung Health Speaker's Bureau
Sept. 22, in Riverside

The American Lung Association, in partnership with AAP-CA2, will be hosting a Lung Health Speakers' Bureau event in Riverside. Local physicians are invited to attend and find out more about local program and advocacy work around asthma and air quality. This will also be an opportunity to meet ALA's physician lung champions.    See Flyer

Town Hall - Sept 24, in Santa Monica
Children & Poverty 

Educational, healthcare & Nutritional Disparities

Keynote Speaker - Paul Cummins
Dr. Paul Cummins is a renowned educator and author as well as the founder, CEO, and President of Coalition for Engaged Education (formerly New Visions Foundation), a nonprofit organization that provides innovative educational opportunities through which at-risk and underserved young people can transform their lives.

RSVP by Sept 19: Corinn Cross, M.D. at

Location: HERB ALPERT EDUCATIONAL VILLAGE, in Santa Monica   See Flyer


Thank you for your support
PO Box 94127 Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 422-9877
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