Attendance Awareness Month Update
May 2, 2018
Resource Spotlight

You can start planning now for activities in September using Count Us In! This toolkit is designed to help you plan your involvement and enlist stakeholders who can get the message out. We offer a variety of activities. Choose those that work best for you and build the support you need to do more in the following year. Download the Executive Summary and Find Activities for Stakeholders.
Webinar Spotlight

The 2018 webinar series highlights the value of using a community-wide approach to strengthen student attendance. Our next free webinar, Team up for Attendance: Working Together Matters, is on Tuesday, May 8, 11am (PST) / 2 pm (EST). Register here.

We look forward to exceeding the nearly 1,900 registrants who signed up for our last webinar. Share our social media messages (below) about the webinar. 

ICYMI, we've posted online the PowerPoint presentation and recording of the first webinar, Team Up for Attendance: Leadership Matters. Find them on our website.
What to Do When

Spring is a good time to meet with key partners and agree on activities. Pass out talking points that everyone -districts, schools, preschools, public agencies, community organizations, faith-based institutions, elected officials, businesses and families-can use to help spread the word during the first month of school and throughout the year. See the key messages.

Develop a student poster contest or video contest, with winning entries to be displayed during September. Find suggestions and examples in Count Us In!.
Online Curriculum

Interested in learning the basics of reducing chronic absence? Our Teaching Attendance Curriculum offers knowledge, guidance and resources for principals, teachers and school support staff to address and overcome chronic absence in grades K-12th. Module 1: Why We Teach Attendance was released in March. Module 2: Creating a Culture of Attendance will be released on May 8th. Register to get access to the modules here.

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Teaching Attendance Curriculum by @attendanceworks equips teachers & support staff w/ the guidance & resources they need to reduce #chronicabsence in K-12. Learn at your own pace using this free, interactive resource. Register: #SchoolEveryDay @CSODFoundation
Community Spotlight

In California's Contra Costa County, the Golden Gate Community School serves about 75 students in grades 7-12 who have been expelled or had issues elsewhere. Working with the Contra Costa Attendance Learning Network, convened by the Contra Costa County Office of Education and Attendance Works, the school was able to reduce its chronic absence rate by 12 percent in only two years - illustrating that attendance is not a "lost cause" for the most vulnerable students. Find out more on page 29 of Portraits of Change.
Report Spotlight

Communities in Schools (CIS) focuses on chronic absenteeism in its 2018 National Report. Because of its presence inside schools, Communities in Schools can bring districts, teachers, parents, nonprofits and community leaders together to put solutions in place. The report includes state profiles showing CIS involvement with more than 2,300 schools throughout the country. Find the report.
Partner Spotlight

This year we have over 70 national partner organizations supporting Attendance Awareness Campaign 2018! We welcome your suggestions for new partners. Check out our partner page, and contact Catherine Cooney,, if your organization would like to join and help spread the word about attendance.
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.@attendanceworks is calling on communities to Team Up for Attendance in 2018! Join the free webinar Working Together Matters, on May 8 & hear how communities are reducing #chronicabsence. Register today: #SchoolEveryDay

Teaming Up for Attendance is critical to reducing #chronicabsence! Join @attendanceworks + 70 nat'l partners for AAM webinar #2. Hear speakers from Antioch, CA, Albuquerque, NM & @ChildrensAidNYC share their success. Register today! #SchoolEveryDay

Facebook Post:

Teaming up for attendance is critical to reducing chronic absence! What are the secret ingredients that strong schools use to improve attendance? And how do their districts and community partners support their work? Join Attendance Works and 70 national partner organizations for the second 2018 Attendance Awareness Campaign webinar. Hear speakers from Antioch, California, Albuquerque, New Mexico and Children's Aid National Center for Community Schools to share their recipes for success. Register today
Sponsor Spotlight

Thank you to our Attendance Awareness Month Campaign sponsors!


Safe and Civil Schools

French Toast
Your gift will help fund more great resources to raise awareness of the importance of attendance for student achievement.
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