We need your help! 
We have entered the final month of the legislative session. The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) and the General Assembly are seeking to reform nursing home rates, including increasing the nursing home assessment. The last time the Illinois General Assembly passed an increased nursing home assessment in 2012, Supportive Living rates were delinked from nursing home rates resulting in devastating consequences for our communities as rates stagnated for 7 years. To learn more, click here.
Thanks to successful grass roots advocacy efforts from our SLP communities in 2019, Supportive Living rates were once again relinked to nursing home rates.  We need your help again!  We are asking all our Supportive Living Program communities to reach out now to their Illinois House and Senate legislators to remind them of how important it is for the Supportive Living Program rates to remain linked to nursing home rates.  

Following these three steps, you can help us make a big difference!
  • Step 1: Locate your SLP community's state representative and senator by clicking here.

  • Step 2: Use the bullet points below to draft an email message to your representative and senator reminding them of how important it is to protect the Supportive Living Program. 
  • ​Share a few sentences about your Supportive Living community, including your location, number of seniors/persons with disabilities, number of employees, and any other unique characteristics.
  • Explain that every single resident of a Supportive Living facility is eligible to be in a nursing home. Since supportive living rates are half of nursing home rates, the supportive living program saves the state of Illinois over $200 million per year
  • Remind them that the Supportive Living Program rates are linked at 54.3% of nursing home rates in Illinois state law. If nursing home rates are increased, and supportive living rates stay flat, the disparity between the two rates will grow driving seniors into higher-cost, higher-acuity settings.
  • Describe how not only is this undesirable for our seniors, but it will cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars annually.
  • Highlight that the Illinois Supportive Living Program is a nationally recognized affordable model of care for seniors and people with disabilities.
  • Emphasize that If the General Assembly votes to increase the nursing home assessment, we ask that you please maintain the Supportive Living facility link, to protect the future of the program.
  • Encourage them to protect Illinois Supportive Living by protecting the link to nursing home rates!​

  • Step 3: Let AALC know that you are joining us in our grassroots campaign to protect the link and tell us who you contacted by emailing us at: info@aalcillinois.org. We are keeping track of all legislative communications so our lobbying team can follow up.
Thank you for helping us protect the Supportive Living Program!​