October 1, 2023
From Our Executive Director
Normally, I don't write a blog in our monthly newsletter. However, in recent months, I felt an obligation to share more with you all as the Executive Director and co-founder for AAIDA . 

2023 has brought with it significant highs and lows for many individuals across our Nation. We've all been touched at some point with events that have impacted us in a significant way. This could be seen and felt in one suffering with an illness, battling mental health issues, natural disasters, grieving from the death of a loved one, etc. The scenarios are endless of what could impact you or loved ones around you. 

I too have dealt with many challenges this year, beginning on January 19th after an accident left me with a rod and 7 screws in my leg. The emergency surgery and four day hospital stay left me with permanent hardware to hold my shattered tibia and fibula together for the +6 months of recovery ahead.

I think of this scenario often, as it still significantly impacts me both physically and mentally. A few weeks ago, I was in Rome after attending a conference and only had one day there. It was always a dream of mine to be able to walk the streets and view the wondrous sights of this ancient and majestic city. I won't bore you with details, but I ended up walking 19 miles in a ten-hour time frame.  As I explored and walked, every few hours, I would think of the miracle of modern medicine and the fact that I was able to walk at all, much less so many miles. This positive outcome never would have occurred if I had not asked for and received the help and support from so many of my loved ones during the recovery process (a very challenging task for me on a personal level!!). 

Many times, when I speak with patients, healthcare providers and others, they often need something from AAIDA but aren't exactly sure how to ask or share what it is they need. Today, the question I have for you is: How can AAIDA help to serve and support you in a positive, impactful way? Maybe you're a patient, healthcare provider, care giver, etc. What resources do you need or would be most helpful to have?

I encourage and challenge you all to answer these questions and share any of the issues you too may have faced (or currently facing) so we can better assist you along your own journey, just as others have helped me on mine.
Upcoming Webinars

How Cancer Became a 4 Letter Word
October 4th, 4:00-5:00 ET
AAIDA is thrilled to host mother and son duo, Ashlee and Michael Cramer. Diagnosed with a rare cancer in July 2020, Michael and his mom have embraced multiple challenges as both a patient and caregiver. Join us as they share their experience to help educate and empower others.

Michael and Ashlee will discuss the following:

  • Personal connections, relationship building and vulnerability while living with a rare condition
  • Caregiver burnout vs patient burnout and ways they can present to others
  • Challenges of living with a rare diagnoses that include intimacy, fertility and family planning outcomes
  • How mental & emotional health and well-being play a roll in the healing journey for both patient and caregiver

Following their presentation, Ashlee and Michael will conduct a live 15 minute Q&A session with attendees. This webinar will be recorded live and made available on the AAIDA websites and YouTube channels. 

What Cost Has to Do With It?:
Factors Increasing Rx
November 28th, 4:00-5:00 ET
For our next webinar of 2023, AAIDA will host clinical dermatologist and Past President of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), Mark Kaufmann, MD.

Dr. Kaufmann will discuss the following:

  • Factors driving the increasing cost of medications
  • Ways patients and healthcare providers can help drive transparency in drug pricing and expose exploitation
  • Strategies and tactics Pharmacy Benefits Managers (PBM's) use to increase revenue and push more cost onto patients
  • Supply chain overview for prescription medication

Following his presentation, Dr. Kaufmann will conduct a live 15 minute Q&A session with attendees. This webinar will be recorded live and made available on the AAIDA websites and YouTube channels. 
Global Respiratory Summit &
Patient Organization Networking Day
AAIDA participated in the Global Respiratory Summit on September 8th. Interactive discussions included patient involvement with clinical trials, new tools and developments available to organizations to help to address barriers to care, treatment, education and outcomes patients may face.
AAIDA also attend the European Lung Foundation's Patient Organization Networking Day on September 9th in conjunction with the ERS Annual Meeting. Topics of interest included the mental health impact seen in lung and respiratory conditions as well as patient involvement in research.
In the News
From Prescription Pills to Prescription Produce: Health Flourishes With Fruits and Veggies

By prescribing free, healthy foods similar to how doctors prescribe medications, clinicians and policymakers hope to remove financial barriers to accessing fruits and vegetables to individuals with diet-related illness. 
North Carolina Expands Medicaid Benefits Starting December 1st.

Governor Roy Cooper and North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kody H. Kinsley announced NCDHHS will launch Medicaid Expansion on Dec. 1, 2023, giving more than 600,000 North Carolinians access to health care.
Make a Tax-Deductiable Donate to AAIDA

Help us continuing our education and advocacy efforts for patients and healthcare providers by making a one time or recurrent, monthly donation. No donation is too small and every amount helps us to meet our mission and goals.
Thank You To Our 2023
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