Black Philanthropy Month

A Generosity of Spirit: The Legacy of Black Philanthropy

This article was originally published in 2021 and is still very relevant in 2024

Young Black & Giving Back

African American philanthropic group gives grants to local nonprofits working in

Charlotte's Black communities

New Charitable Act Could Enable Non-Itemizing Taxpayers to Claim One-Third of Standard Deduction for Donations

On July 11 and 12, 2024, AADO member Rochelle Jerry, and her fellow Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Global Board Members, along with other AFP leaders, visited Capitol Hill to promote the Charitable Act, legislation that will incentivize charitable giving.

Rochelle and her cohorts met with 10 Senate offices and four House offices – from both parties.

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Thank You to CFRE

for supporting AADO

The Black Canadian Fundraisers Collective (BCFC), Fabulous Female Fundraisers (F3), and African American Development Fundraisers (AADO) to host a two-part series to celebrate and discuss insights from Sisterhood Heals

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Your support enables AADO to promote and enhance diversity throughout the hiring process, provide professional development for fundraisers of color, and serve as a convening space for fundraisers advancing in their careers. AADO does not charge a membership fee to individual members.