A safe return to St. Vincent Family Center

At St. Vincent Family Center, we remain dedicated to the health and safety of our families, our care team and our community at large. We have maintained our commitment to behavioral health amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and to the children and families who need us most.

While we've continued to deliver behavioral healthcare services to our community, we've also made several changes to our model of care to prioritize the health of our clients and our care team.

As we navigate the Responsible RestartOhio plan initiated by Ohio Governor DeWine, we want to share with you our safe, phased approach to the reopening of our facility and our return to face-to-face service delivery across our continuum of care.

  • On June 1, 2020, we welcomed a small number of elementary students back to our building for SVFC's Therapeutic Summer Program. Adhering to the guidelines outlined by the state of Ohio, SVFC's Therapeutic Summer Program offers a full day of summer fun and behavioral health treatment, nutritious meals for breakfast and lunch, and individual and family counseling to address each family's comprehensive health needs.
  • On June 8, 2020, we launched SVFC's Summer Program at Marsh Run in partnership with our partners at Homeport and our funders at the ADAMH Board of Franklin County. SVFC's Summer Program at Marsh Run engages youth living in the Marsh Run community in interactive summer activities, provides free breakfast and lunch, and offers a safe, trusted space for social emotional and substance abuse prevention skill-building.
Check out SVFC's Prevention Playlist on YouTube for a look at a few of our virtual activities and lessons for youth!
  • SVFC's Early Childhood Mental Health Team is delivering virtual group and consultation services to teachers, children and families focused on social-emotional skill building, trauma and anxiety. We're also visiting local daycare centers to learn how best to continue supporting little ones, teachers and families across our community.
Check out SVFC's Early Childhood Playlist on YouTube for a look at our virtual activities and lessons for little ones!
  • Our expert Clinical Team continues to deliver counseling services via Telehealth to limit visitation to our facility and protect the health and safety of our families and our care team.
Visitation to our facility remains limited for the safety of our St. Vincent Family. If you've been interested in volunteering or donating to the needs of SVFC during this time, we are welcoming support in the following ways:
  • Donate reusable cloth face coverings for our children and our care team
  • Share about SVFC's supportive behavioral health services available to our community
  • Give a financial gift to support our ongoing operations

For more on how you can support SVFC, contact Deb Huff, Development Manager , at dhuff@svfc.org .

We remain diligent in our efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of our community. We continue to monitor the regulations and recommendations set forth by the state of Ohio, and we will share more as we evolve in our reopening at St. Vincent Family Center.

We Make Good Kids Better.
St. Vincent Family Center | 614.252.0731 | 1490 East Main Street | www.svfc.org