Euro Energy Crisis, Hurricanes Declining,
and Affording Winter
Euro energy crisis:
A rare opportunity to
recalibrate priorities?

by Vijay Jayaraj

At least one developed economy is waking up from an energy slumber induced by the obsession with climate change. The new prime minister of the UK is seemingly leaving no stone unturned in her pursuit of energy liberation by appointing climate-skeptic ministers.

Given the decade-long dominance of anti-fossil fuel policies in the Western economies, this monumental policy shift is nothing short of a great awakening, one that may have been forced upon leaders by an existential energy crisis.

The Russian war in Ukraine, the uncertainty with OPEC oil production, and the post-pandemic economic recovery have together created a situation that cannot be ignored anymore. The political class has been forced to address the energy shortage. Sensible policies must be pursued and probably will be this winter if only out of a need to keep people from freezing to death.

CO2 Coalition Research Associate Vijay Jayaraj's complete commentary was first published at Biz Pac Review, September 26, 2022, and can be accessed here.
Are Hurricanes Increasing in Severity?
That's Not What the Science Says

Geologist and CO2 Coalition Executive Director Greg Wrightstone was recently interviewed by Epoch TV's NTD News to discuss Hurricane Ian. Though many media outlets have blamed the severity of the hurricane to climate change, Executive Director Wrightstone disagrees. See his explanation here:
Also see the Epoch Times article by Bill Pan citing CO2 Coalition Executive Director Greg Wrightstone, which can be accessed here.
Will Dutch citizens
be able to afford
warmth this winter?

"Environmental and health concerns are falling by the wayside as people grapple with soaring energy bills."

From Reuters' Stephanie van den Berg:

VEENENDAAL, Netherlands, Sept 30 (Reuters) - The budget-conscious Dutch, who enjoyed abundant cheap gas for half a century to heat their homes, are turning to more traditional heating methods as cold weather reaches the Netherlands.

Sales of coal, wood and pellets for heating stoves have jumped as consumers seek cheaper energy alternatives to counter sky-rocketing gas bills in the wake of the war in Ukraine.

Customers visiting the warehouse of coal merchant Wim van Beek in the central Dutch town of Veenendaal this week were primarily looking to trim spending on heating, the merchant told Reuters...

A 2019 report by Dutch scientists for the Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) in neighbouring Belgium found that an open fireplace leads to environmental costs 250 times higher than those for modern gas-fired central heating. Even new wood-burning systems have five to 12 times greater environmental costs than gas-fired units, it found.

However, environmental and health concerns are falling by the wayside as people grapple with soaring energy bills.

The complete Reuters article, originally published September 30, 2022, can be accessed here.
Quote of the Week
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CO2 Coalition
1621 North Kent Street, Suite 603
Arlington, Virginia 22209

Gregory Wrightstone
Executive Director
CO2 Coalition