A Prayer for our Nation

Almighty God, giver of all good things:

We thank you for the natural majesty and beauty of this land.

They restore us, though we often destroy them.

Heal us.

We thank you for the great resources of this nation. They

make us rich, though we often exploit them.

Forgive us.

We thank you for all those who have contributed to the rich diversity of this country. They are models for us, though we often fall

short of them.

Inspire us.

We thank you for the torch of liberty which has been lit in

this land. It has drawn people from every nation, though we

have often hidden from its light.

Enlighten us.

We thank you for the faith we have inherited in all its rich

variety. It sustains our life, though we have been faithless

again and again.

Renew us.

Help us, O Lord, to finish the good work here begun.

Strengthen our efforts to blot out ignorance and prejudice,

and to abolish poverty and crime. And hasten the day when

all our people, with many voices in one united chorus, will

glorify your holy Name. Amen.


This is a prayer you can find in the Book of Common Prayer on page 838. This holiday weekend, I will be praying this petition for our nation, and ask you to join me in prayer and reflection.

Maybe, like me, you struggle with how to celebrate the birth of our nation as we approach a presidential election that feels fraught, even dangerous. Who are we, as a nation, when 2024 has seen more anti-trans bills in legislation than ever before; when the supreme court deems it lawful for cities to fine unhoused people; when we feel more fractured as a country than ever - who are we?

When I look at things on a national scale, I'm overwhelmed. What is the path forward? How do we maintain relationships amid differences of opinion? How do we foster civil dialogue across differences, when the trend is to vilify the opposing side and dismiss it altogether?

This past week, I had the opportunity to serve as a clergy deputy at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. This is our denomination's governing body, which meets once every three years to make decisions on church polity, governance, and finances.

The structure of General Convention is similar to the United States government - a bicameral legislature considers resolutions, which must be passed by both houses in order to take effect. I spent six days on the floor of the House of Deputies, while the House of Bishops met down the hall.

We debated the Episcopal Church's stance on the genocide in Gaza; we voted on changing the definition of marriage to "between to people;" we affirmed and celebrated the creation of a new diocese, Navajoland, which can now self-govern and elect their own bishop.

It was my first experience of church governance at this level, and while it was sometimes frustrating (and definitely exhausting), at its best, it was an effort to practice democracy. It was the first time in a long time I've witnessed respectful debate. I profoundly disagreed with many people, and yet we all prayed together, and respected the process and decisions we made.

Perhaps our church structures can be a living example of how to do democracy, in a moment in history when it feels that our country's democratic legacy is threatened by corporate greed and political games, to the detriment of people's lives and livelihood. Our church structures are far from perfect, and while it felt good to remove a renowned white supremacist from our church calendar, there is still much anti-racism work to be done in our church.

As I reflect on my experience at General Convention over this 4th of July weekend, I wonder where God is moving in all of this. I consider the systems I am complicit in - systems that claim to serve people, but always fall short. I take comfort in the promise that there is another way - Jesus's way - of building community; and I grieve how far away we are from that reality.

This weekend, I ask your prayers for our nation. I ask you to ensure that you are registered to vote, and to ask your friends and make sure they are registered, too. I leave you with the lyrics to a hymn that best encapsulate my prayers for our country, and our world.

This is my song, O God of all the nations

A song of peace for lands afar and mine

This is my home the country where my heart is

Here are my hopes my dreams my holy shrine

But other hearts in other lands are beating

With hopes and dreams as true and high as mine 

My country's skies are bluer than the ocean

And sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine

But other lands have sunlight too and clover

And skies are everywhere as blue as mine

O hear my song Thou God of all nations

A song of peace for their land and for mine

Teach us to sing, O God of all creation,

A song of hope, for ocean, sky and pine.

Teach us to walk the way that ends division,

Till every land and nation love entwines.

Then will all peoples see your glorious vision:

The world at peace, beloved and divine.


Mother Mary Lynn


This Sunday, July 7

Proper 9

10:30 am

Service of Holy Eucharist

Children and Youth

0-3 years old: nursery care available

age 3 - 5th grade: Meet the Saints Sunday School

Sunday bulletin
Sunday service live on Facebook

Note: thank you for your patience with the livestream. We make every effort to stream the service each week, but sometimes technical difficulties arise.

If you would like to help make the livestream happen each week, please email Kari Robinson.

give to st andrew's

Listen: Hope is the thing with feathers

Miss last Sunday's service? Click here, or the image above, to listen to Mother Mary Lynn's sermon: Hope is the thing with feathers. Search "Sermons by-the-Sea" on your favorite podcast app to listen to any sermons you've missed!

Help Us Raise the Roof: Give Today

We have exciting news - we are going solar! This has been a dream of ours for many years, and now we're making it happen. We need your help to fund repairs on the sanctuary roof, so that the solar panels can be installed this summer.

The roof of our sanctuary is deteriorating and needs to be replaced. This is a project we've been hoping to accomplish for decades, and now is the time to do it. We have been carefully saving funds over the past six+ years in our Building Improvement Fund for large facilities projects like this one. We've saved $55,000 so far, which will cover more than half of the roofing project. The total estimate for the project is $90,000 - so we're asking you, our St. Andrew's community, to help us raise the remaining $35,000.

Thank you for your donations! So far we have raised $3,350 toward our goal.

Can you help us achieve our goal of raising the funds by July 31st? Give online today by clicking the button below, or visit standrewspb.org/give and select "Building Improvement Fund" in the dropdown menu. Thank you for your generosity!

Give Today

Photo by Ana Cruz on Unsplash

LGBTQIA+ Caucus: The Work has Changed

Read more of Mother Mary Lynn's reflections on her work on the LGBTQIA+ caucus of the General Convention. Click here to read the article.

Upcoming Church Events

General Convention Forum: July 14 after church

Want to know more about the General Convention, which just took place at the end of June? It is the legislative body of the Episcopal Church, and makes important decisions for the sake of our denominations. Mother Mary Lynn will share her reflections on her experience as a first-time deputy, and will highlight important resolutions that were passed. There will be photos and lots of stories! A light lunch will be provided. This is a great chance to learn more about the structure of the Episcopal Church and how it operates, with all its flaws and gifts. Bring your questions - no prior knowledge of the Episcopal Church is necessary!

Summer Potluck at the Rectory

You are invited to a fun dinner Wednesday night, July 17, from 5-7 at the rectory! The rectory is the house that the church owns for the priest to live in - Mother Mary Lynn and her family are excited to welcome you. We will have burgers and hotdogs on the grill, so please bring anything you want to add to the grill and/or a side dish to share. We will hang out in the backyard and play lawn games and enjoy the summer evening! Kids are most definitely invited, as well as friends, partners, roommates, you name it. Next summer potluck night at the rectory: August 7.

Email Mother Mary Lynn for the address - can't wait to see you there!

March in the Pride Parade: July 20

Join St. Andrew's church and Episcopalians from all over San Diego to march in the 1.5-mile San Diego Pride Parade: Making History Now on Saturday, July 20. All are welcome to join in walking the parade - kids, dogs, and friends!

Meetup at St. Paul’s Cathedral (2728 Sixth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103) 8:30 – 9:00 AM to travel as a group to the parade route.

What to bring: Water, a hat, sunscreen, your church t-shirt, and/or rainbow colors!

Our group will have a trolley riding along with us for those who have limited mobility. Space on the trolley is very limited. If you would like to reserve a spot on the trolley, please contact Susan Jester at jesters@stpaulcathedral.org for more information or to reserve your space.

Register Today for the Annual Parish Retreat

September 6-8, 2024 at Camp Stevens in Julian

Register today for our annual parish retreat at Camp Stevens in Julian. We enjoy 2 nights in lodges, 5 delicious meals, outdoor church and time getting to connect with our church family.

Optional activities include: hiking, swimming, yoga, bonfire, farm tours, art, tie-dye, baking, and music making! Indoor accommodations: private rooms with private bathrooms; scratch-made delicious meals made by camp staff.

Camp Stevens is a place of beauty with over 250 acres of wild land for hiking, listening and being with God. Scholarships are available.

Questions? Contact Kari Robinson.

Register for Parish Retreat

Call Your Representatives and Ask for Ceasefire in Gaza

“People of faith and goodwill can organize and address our governments to call for humanitarian aid to flow freely to those in desperate need in Gaza; for the release of all hostages; for an end to all targeting of children and other civilians; and for a de-escalation of violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.” - Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

As death, destruction, and violence continue in Gaza, we urge you to lift your voices and do everything possible to put pressure on all parties for an immediate and sustained ceasefire. 

We are not helpless in the face of the world's horrors. Takeon a new spiritual practice: every day, call your representatives and ask them to call for an immediate ceasefire, access to humanitarian assistance to end starvation and avert any further risk of famine, and urge the release of hostages.

You can click this link to go to the Episcopal Public Policy Network website, which has a script for contacting your representatives, as well as a form you can fill out right on the site.

Call for Ceasefire

Donations Needed for Border Ministry

Our diocese is continuing to respond to the needs of those seeking asylum at the US/Mexico border and being held in open-air detention sites. The diocese prepares 200 sack lunches every Monday to be distributed, and are asking for the following:

  • jelly
  • packaged snacks like: potato chips, protein bars, fruit gummies
  • brown paper bags
  • sandwich bags

Please drop off donations at church on Sunday. Email Mother Mary Lynn if you are able to volunteer to assemble sack lunches every Monday at 3pm.

Church at the Border DATE CHANGE: August 11

Join Mother Mary Lynn for a service of communion and prayer at the US/Mexico border wall on Sunday, August 11. Around 12pm we will drive down to a designated spot where we will have church with those seeking asylum who are being held in between the border walls. Jesus of Nazareth was a migrant, whose family sought freedom from political violence. Throughout our holy scriptures God clearly instructed God's people to care for the immigrants and strangers among them. Join us for this pilgrimage to be present at a place of suffering and injustice so close to our own neighborhood. Please RSVP if you're planning to come. If you would like to help organize making food to hand out, please email me.

Volunteers Needed: 5th Tuesday Chefs

Did you know that St. Andrew's has hosted a weekly free community meal every Tuesday for over 10 years? We are looking for volunteers who are willing to cook the meal on the 5th Tuesdays of the months, which is only 4 times per year. Volunteers would be expected to take a food safety certification course, plan and shop for a meal, and cook for 50-60 guests. But you won't be doing it alone - our volunteer coordinator, Auburn, will be there to help you every step of the way, and our team of dedicated volunteers who show up weekly will help, too. Please email Auburn if you are interested in taking on this important (and fun!) work. We are so proud to be able to feed our neighbors, and this ministry depends on the dedicated service of so many. Join the fun!

Are you doing something cool in the world? Let us know about your concerts, art shows, and marathons, and we may include them in the e-news!

Ellen Swam the English Channel

We are so proud of Ellen, who completed a difficult swim in the English channel in late June. She has used this challenge to raise awareness of Parkinson's disease, and over $17,000 dollars towards the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. You may find more information, or choose to sponsor her efforts directly by visiting: www.swimmingtobeatparkinsons.com.

Go Ellen! We are so proud of you and your incredible accomplishment.

What's Happening In the Neighborhood

Applications Open: Johnson-Wong Scholarship

If you are preparing to enter a full-time college or university this fall, you are eligible to apply for the Johnson Wong Scholarship! This fund is generously provided by St. Andrew's members who are committed to the education of our young people. It is awarded to St. Andrew's members or children of members who plan to attend a full-time accredited college in the next school year. Fill out this application to apply. Contact Becky for more information.

Pacific Beach Community Choir

1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month, at 7pm

Want to sing with friends in a fun, non-pressure environment? Come meet new people and make music the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7pm at St. Andrew's. This choir is led by our parish musician, Katie Cavallo, and sings secular music just for the fun of it. Anyone in high school or older is welcome - no audition necessary! It's a great way to meet new friends and express your creativity - contact Katie with questions or to join.

St. Andrew's by-the-Sea | standrewspb.org
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