Retired couple on beach.

Please listen to my 25 minute audio of a 'non-financial' view on boomers selling their company to retire.

5 Stats About Selling Your Business, You Absolutely Must Know
  1. Over 75% of Canadian small and medium business owners plan to sell within the next 10 years.
  2. As the baby-boomer generation rapidly approaches retirement, less than 10% of Canadian small and medium business owners have a formal exit or succession plan in place.
  3. Over 82% of Canadian small and medium business owners expect the sale of their business to fund their retirement.
  4. Over 55% of Canadian small and medium business owners are having difficulty finding a suitable buyer who can even finance the purchase.
  5. Over 67% of Canadian small and medium business owners are over 50 years of age.
These alarming statistics were generated by a survey by Canadian Federation of Independent Business researchers Doug Bruce and Queenie Wong in the 2012 report Passing on the Business to the Next Generation.

It's going to be a tough go selling and retiring comfortably. Perhaps we can help with our WarrenBDC 14 Step Process. Take the first step in a 5 year journey. 

Cheers, Eric

Eric Gilboord

PS Financial Advisors, with clients who own businesses, may want to pass this along.

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Overwhelmed with selling your business? CLICK to READ
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