A message from Gayle McLaughlin                 
Former Richmond Mayor 2007-2015

Dear Richmond neighbors and friends,

I’m sharing with you an article published by The Guardian last October. The article paints with large strokes some essential aspects of the Richmond vs Chevron evolution of the last two decades. Standing up to the oil company was the beginning of Richmond’s ongoing transformation. There is a lot of work we still need to do.

This year I am running for the Richmond City Council to work for all of Richmond and to represent my neighbors of District 5-South Richmond. We all know that a better and healthier Richmond is possible. We need and deserve a city that is healthy, safe, sustainable and just.

The skies of Richmond have been clearer and the air more breathable under the COVID-19 restrictions. This moment in time is an opportunity to think hard and dream big about our city, state and nation’s future. I want to hear about your priorities and ideas for our shared present and future.

Contact me at GayleforRichmond@gmail.com or at (510) 929-2200.
Thank you kindly,