In This Issue
Using an IRA to Make Charitable Contributions
Turning 70 1/2? Don't Forget About Your RMD
Hiring Family Members: Tax-Saving Strategies
Working in the Gig Economy
Quick Links

Sept. 15
Employers - If you lead a C-Corporation, S-Corporation or partnership that filed for a tax extension, your time is up. Sept. 15 is the deadline for your 2018 return. 

Oct. 15
Individuals - who filed a tax extension have until Oct. 15 to file their 2018 return.

September 2019

Strategy: a careful plan or method. We offer some of that before the end of the tax year!
Using an IRA To Make Charitable Contributions

Would you rather support your favorite charity or cause or pay higher Medicare premiums? Learn about making a tax-free donation straight out of your IRA. > The 3 criteria
Charitable donations
Turning 70 1/2? Don't Forget About Your RMD

At some point, the money you have set aside in your retirement account(s) become subject to the required minimum distribution (RMD). When should you take your first RMD? What amount satisfies your RMD? > Read the rules
Hiring Family Members: Tax-Saving Strategies

If you're a sole proprietor, you don't have to pay federal unemployment insurance (FUTA tax) on certain family members' wages. That's one way to trim your tax bill. > More strategy

Gig economy
Working in the Gig Economy

Uber may send you a 1099, but they won't withhold taxes from any money you earn - you're responsible for paying that.  Other gig economy companies may not even send you a 1099. And don't forget about tracking your out-of-pocket expenses. > Here's what to do

Need help calculating your estimated taxes? Call our office at 505-984-0646 
to schedule an appointment.