A Word from J.T.

We are in a very special time. Not only are we in a time of immense change and transition on the planet, but we have also shifted into a new season. The season of summer is about play, gathering, growth, and transformation, as the energy of the Sun provides the warmth and nourishment. Bathe in the sunlight. Allow the Sun to give you what you require to help you transform, grow and expand your energy. All of this is to get ready for what is next.

This is all about Connection. Connection to the planet. Connection to each other. Connection to us. It is through this connection that you can heal, learn, and understand what is happening around you. We invite you to participate in a new program to help you get connected. We will be working with each participant teaching you how you are connected to us and how to receive from us. "Us" is defined as those who have passed, those who are guiding, and those who are teaching from this side of the veil.

We want you to explore your possibilities and capabilities. We are all connected, you know. Let us help you with this connection.


The Learn to Connect Mentor Program

J.T. and the Master Teachers are introducing a new program designed for personal connection and communication with the other side. It's called the Learn to Connect to the Other Side Mentor Program. It is a six-month program beginning in August. We meet once a month as a group, once a month one-on-one, and use the Online Learn to Connect Course to build the foundation to personal communication with the other side!

We are so excited to offer this to anyone who wants connection with their loved ones, guides and helpers. We know we can all do this. The promise is that J.T., the Master Teachers, and your loved ones will be there every step of the way.


The first 10 participants save $150 on the full Learn to Connect Mentor Program! Click below for details and to register!




We would love your help!

J.T. has given me the title of the next book we will be writing together, and we would love your help!

We have a special section on the signs our loved ones and helpers give us, and want to include your experiences in the book. If you would like to share the signs you receive, click on the SIGNS button!

Who Were You, Before You Were You?

Accessing Your Akashic Records for Personal Growth and Healing via Zoom

Accessing your Akashic records can provide profound insights into your soul's journey, including past lives, karmic patterns, and soul contracts. It can empower you to navigate your life with clarity and purpose.

It can answer questions about your life, your relationships, your connections to people, places, things and animals. It can guide you to what is for your highest good, and possibly explain why you do the things you do.

It can also help you get back on track with why you are here and what you want to learn in this particular lifetime.

In this class, you will learn:

  • How to access your own Akashic Records using meditation, intention, the Crystalline Grid, and the Akashic Records symbol
  • What questions can be answered and how to phrase questions
  • How to ask permission to access your records
  • How to set intention for the information you want to receive


When: Monday, July 8th, 4:30pm Pacific, 5:30pm Mountain, 6:30pm Central, 7:30pm Eastern

Duration: 1 1/2 hours + a 15-minute follow-up call with Sarina

Class Fee: $123

Please contact us if you have any questions!


Free Monthly Zoom Meditations

All Levels Welcome!

Each month we gather for a meditation. Sometimes it is about the full moon. Other times it might be connected to the Solstice or Equinox. The purpose of this meditation is to help you clear and use the tools of the Universe. These meditations are free and done via Zoom. Here is the schedule for the remainder of the year. Sign up for as many as you wish!

Sunday, July 21st

Monday, August 19th

Tuesday, September 17th

Thursday, October 17th

Thursday, November 14th

Sunday, December 15th

All Meditations via Zoom

4:30pm Pacific, 5:30pm Mountain, 6:30pm Central, 7:30pm Eastern

Class Fee: FREE


Animals LOVE Reiki!

Learn how to use the Animal Reiki Symbol to connect with the animal's energy

In this certification class, we focus on the animal chakra system, which is just a little different than the human chakra system, as well as learn a special symbol that helps you connect with the animal's energy to increase the effectiveness of the session.

This certification does require Usui Level II certification. If you are not yet Usui Level II certified, please contact us for class options.

Animal Reiki Certification Class:

When: Mondays, August 5th and 12th, 4pm Pacific, 5pm Mountain, 6pm Central, 7pm Eastern

Where: Zoom

Class Fee: $495 $295

Class fee can be paid in two payments – 1st payment due at class registration, 2nd payment due by 2nd class date. If you need 3 payments, please let us know!


Meet Me in Phoenix!


I am heading to Phoenix for the annual IANDS conference at the end of August! I will be doing readings in the healing rooms and a panel discussion with two other beautiful ladies. I would love to see you there! Click the button below for details!


Take Your Reiki Journey to the Master Level

You are a master healer

In this class, we learn the Usui Reiki Master symbol as well as Advanced Reiki Techniques. You will also receive the Crystalline symbol and be introduced to your multidimensional healing team. With these tools and others, you will learn how to send continuous healing to people, places, pets, and situations.

The next step on your healing journey!


When: Mondays, Sept 16th & 23rd,

4pm Pacific, 5pm Mountain, 6pm Central, 7pm Eastern

Where: Zoom

Class Fee: $495 $295

Class fee can be paid in two payments – 1st payment due at class registration, 2nd payment due by 2nd class date. If you need 3 payments, please let us know!


J.T.'s Weekly Quotes

Inspiration for the week ahead.

Every Monday we send out an email from J.T. for inspiration, focus, or whatever else the Masters want to say. You can join this list by clicking on the button below. It will only add you to the weekly email list, so you won't receive any duplicate emails, and you can always switch back to just monthly emails from us whenever you wish.


Back to Normal

I remember all those years ago, it was about this time in 2007 that those around me went back to their normal lives. I was so jealous of them. They didn't have the day in and day out reminder of the huge hole in my world. I don't want to imply they didn't comfort me and still were there for me, because many were. But their experience was very different than mine. Their wound was different.

I knew there would never be the "normal" I once had. I knew I needed to create something different. I also had J.T., that persistent, determined soul, pushing me from behind so I would discover who I was and the purpose of the insanity that was my reality.

Looking back, I realize how loved I felt, even though I couldn't see him. He was with me every moment of the pain. He would hug me when I cried. He sent dragonflies at every opportunity. He would give others messages to give to me because I wasn't yet ready to hear him.

No, I never got back to normal. But, with J.T.'s help, I created something different. Our message to you today is to allow your loved ones and helpers to do this for you, too. Keep talking with them, keep asking them to help.

We are never alone. We are always being guided to create something different. I can say from my own experience, I am so grateful for that!

Sarina Baptista | Bridge to Healing LLC | (321) 328-5523 | Email | Website

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