A Word from David Stockwell


Dear Evangelists,

These recent days have been extraordinary, as our country has experienced unprecedented difficulties in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, wildfires in Montana, Oregon and California, and the tragedy in Las Vegas.  Jesus reminded us in Luke 13:1-5 that our response, in addition to compassion, care and concern for those affected, should be personal introspection and repentance...otherwise we will all likewise perish!  Let us be full of His grace, His love, His compassion as we reach out to those hurt by these events.  

As you know, it is as we walk through the deepest valleys that we often find our greatest understanding and intimacy with the Lord.  As you preach His Word, I'm asking Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit and His love, and to draw people to Himself as you lift up the mighty Name of Jesus!

Please mark your calendars for two important events in 2018 for Texas Baptist Evangelists:

Hosted by the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, during which COTBE will have its annual meeting, local worship service highlighting our evangelists, our Afterglow meet-and-greet, booth  in the exhibit hall.  We are especially excited about our COTBE evangelism break-out sessions at the conference.  


You'll love meeting the new Evangelism Director for SBTC, Shane Pruitt, who is working with us to get all these things accomplished during the conference.  I am greatly impressed with his love for God, love for souls and soul-winning, and his love for evangelists!


We have a block of rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn at the Irving Convention Center for our group; price is $101 per night/double occupancy, plus hotel taxes and fees. We would love to know as soon as possible whether you will be able to join us.  We are working on details now, and will get back to you  with more information.  We hope you will plan to join us for these great opportunities and events!

We are working on some exciting plans for a joint Evangelists' Retreat, with our Texas Evangelists hosting evangelists from across the nation, a Sunday Worship Celebration featuring our Southern Baptist Evangelists, a meet-and-greet with pastors and convention attendees, booth on the exhibit floor, and a host of other great events that we want you to participate in!


Please don't miss out on these great opportunities to be encouraged, to meet and fellowship with other evangelists, and to promote your ministry and the Office and Work of the Evangelist.  We look forward to sharing more information with you soon. 

If you are not already a member, please prayerfully consider joining our national evangelists' group, Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists, and participating with us at the national level.   We need you! Click here for information on membership requirements.  Also, if you are not current on your dues for COTBE, please make your payment as soon as possible by sending a check to Gary Newman at the address below, or via PayPal on through our website link. 

Also, please find an encouraging word from our vice-president, Marion Warren, below. We're so thankful for Marion, and his loving ministry of encouragement and exhortation!  His words will bless you.

Your friend and partner in the Gospel,


David Stockwell
President, 2017-2018

David Stockwell Evangelistic Association
PO Box G, Katy, TX  77492

A Word from Marion Warren

"Today, I will keep my promises.   My debtors will not regret their trust.   My associates will not question my word.  My wife (or husband) will not question my love.   And my children will never fear that their father (or mother) will not come home." -- Max Lucado
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings in the Most Precious, Loving and Merciful Name of God -- by the Holy Grace of God -- through Jesus' death, resurrection and cleansing blood!    We are blessed -- we are blessed  -- we are blessed!  Perhaps you will join me in a hallelujah moment of genuine radiant worship and praise!
Not long ago, David and Amy Stockwell, Bill Sky-Eagle and I met.  Gary was ill - please give him a call.  Cliff could not be present, but some wonderful ideas and tentative plans in the
m aking for all of us.  You will hear all about them in the near future.
The admonitions at the head of the page are great encouraging values -- never to be corrupted nor discarded.  'I" choose each day, with you, to deny myself, take up my cross and follow Jesus.   WE SHOULD NEVER RUN AHEAD NOR LAG BEHIND.  It is our honor to be sound in judgment, stable and completely steadfast in life's words, work, conduct and character.
Never give up the battle nor give in to a lesser goal.    Keep yourself free from selfish pursuits.   Give in to no desire but a Colossal Passion for Jesus!!
HE Comes!   Keep your shouting voice tuned and your ears ever listening for HIS trumpet!
Your brother in and through The Beloved Lamb of God - JESUS,

Conference of Texas Baptist Evangelists  
2209 Prairie Creek Trail
Garland, Texas 75040 
(214) 673-5037 |   secretarytreasurer@cotbe.org  |  
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