Together we can make our teachers feel appreciated.
Many of our patients are teachers. We are surrounded by wonderful schools, both public and private, that do so much for our children. I've thought of a win-win offering for them, but I need your help.
September is back-to-school month. During this hectic transition for everyone, we want to OFFER: 2 hours of chair massage per nominated school, donated by InnerMovement to the Teachers & School Administrators.

WIN-WIN: We get to introduce Inner Movement to people who give to our children daily and these educators get a little TLC from one of our trained massage therapists.


We will be sure to tell them you asked us to arrange with the school a very special
"Teacher & Staff Appreciation Visit".

Here's to our teachers,   
Dr. Heidi
Space is limited so call soon.
We won't be able to accommodate every school.
" Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children."
Walt Disney
Call 818.549.1300
What do you know about MASSAGE?

Here are some common Myths you might have heard.


What do the experts say online?

The Cleveland Clinic says problems in the way blood vessels that travel to the brain function are believed to produce migraine symptoms: severe headache, visual disturbances, nausea, and light sensitivity. Massage can stop these blood vessels from sending so many pain signals.

Headlines & Global News says that even if you don't feel sore after a massage, it doesn't mean that your body didn't benefit from it. Sometimes soreness happens when deep tissues in the muscles have been stretched and worked during the massage but if you feel relaxed, renewed, and more energetic then you've had a good one.

The Mayo Clinic states that studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain, and muscle tension. At the Mayo Clinic, massage therapy may be recommended to help people cope with the pain and stress of cancer, heart disease, stomach problems, and fibromyalgia.

Sloan-Kettering considers massage as part of Complementary Medicine's arsenal of modalities that is purported to help with pain, headaches, cancer-related symptoms, arthritis of the knee and the lowering of blood pressure.

Call us to see if massage would help you.

Heal instead of Hurt.

Inner Movement |  | 818.549.1300 |