The Boys and Girls Club of BCS is grateful for you!
Every day of the year, you make a safe, supportive, fun and enriching environment that inspires and empowers young people achieve their greatest potential.
The programs offered by the Boys and Girls Club of Baja California Sur are innovative and proven programs, designed to teach and empower young people, allowing them to excel in school, develop character and leadership skills, in order to positively impact their communities and lead healthy and happy lives.
Since 2013 the Boys and Girls Club of Baja California Sur has inspired children and youth in Los Cabos, towards building a greater future; 350 youth each year.
True to the BGC's philosophy, with your support our Club is able to provide integrated programming around its five pillars; Education, Human Development, Arts, Health and Sports. Together with you we can continue making a difference in the lives of our future leaders, because Great Futures Start Here.
On behalf of Boys & Girls Club of BCS, we wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.