Left to Right: Ashley W. Edwards, Cynthia J. Ponce, Christina E. Djordjevich, Peter M. Walzer, Christopher C. Melcher, Kristina L. Hohne, and Steven K. Yoda
Walzer Melcher is a Certified MCLE Course Provider
We are excited to share that our firm has been certified by the State Bar to give MCLE courses. Thank you to partner, Christopher C. Melcher, for his work in making this happen. Stay tuned for future webinars!

You can check out our previous CLE webinars on our Youtube channel.
Peter M. Walzer Co-Authors AAML Publication, Financial Issues in Divorce: A Client Handbook
The latest AAML publication, Financial Issues in Divorce: A Client Handbook, is a guide for men and women who are just beginning or in the middle stages of the divorce process. It’s a roadmap for organizing the entire divorce journey from start to finish, from hiring their professional team through guidelines for the settlement and negotiation process.

One of the advantages of this book over other divorce handbooks is that it combines the legal and financial point of view into an easy-to-read resource. It’s down to earth, realistic, and practical.

Get your copy here.
Peter M. Walzer Recipient of the
ACFLS Hall of Fame Award 2020
"This is an amazing honor. You are the ideal candidate for the Hall of Fame (although, I thought that the Hall of Fame was for those after they retired). You are the model of what society needs in a lawyer. You are caring, you are knowledgeable, and you give back to the community. I cannot think of a family law lawyer more deserving of the Family Law Hall of Fame than you. Congratulations on an honor well deserved. Enjoy the moment."
~ Steve Mindel, Esq.
Christina E. Djordjevich & Peter M. Walzer Contribute to Drafting Prenuptial Agreements
Christina E. Djordjevich and Peter M. Walzer contributed updates on California law governing premarital agreements to the treatise “Drafting Prenuptial Agreements” by Gary N. Skoloff, Richard H. Singer, Jr., and Ronald L. Brown.

You can purchase the book here.
International Prenups: A World View
by Peter M. Walzer
We don’t know whether Meghan Markle and Prince Harry entered into a prenup, but if they had, their lawyers would have to wrestle with many difficult issues. Would English law apply to the prenup? What if they chose to live in another country? At the time of the “marriage of the century,” this seemed farfetched. Now, it is a reality.

Read the full article here.
Congratulations to Christopher C. Melcher for Successfully Arguing California Supreme Court Oral Argument In Re Brace
The California Supreme Court has taken two cases on community property law in six years. We are honored to have Christopher C. Melcher involved in both. The latest one is Brace, where the Court held that when spouses take title to property in joint tenancy they create community property, not separate property interests in that property. You can read the opinion here.
For another consecutive year, Walzer Melcher has earned a Tier 1 ranking for Best Lawyers "Best Law Firms" 2021 list, in the practice area of family law. 

Peter M. Walzer, Christopher C. Melcher, & Steven K. Yoda were also individually recognized to Best Lawyers 2021 list.
Privacy Issues
in a Divorce
Christopher C. Melcher and Anthony Storm gave their tips on how your clients can maintain privacy even when going through a public divorce.
Spousal Support:
California Law Overview
Christopher C. Melcher and Kristina L. Hohne discuss the legal requirements for seeking or modifying spousal support (alimony). We cover income available for spousal support, temporary vs. permanent spousal support, security for support, modification and termination.
Dealing with Business Interests During Economic Crisis
Christopher C. Melcher and Christina E. Djordjevich discuss methods of division, focusing on in-kind division and deferred buy-outs because of the difficulty valuing businesses now or finding liquidity for a buy-out.
Protecting Your Clients With Premarital Agreements
Peter M. Walzer and Christina E. Djordjevich discuss how a premarital agreement can protect a client's assets from death or divorce, when premarital agreements are not a good fit, how long it takes to negotiate and prepare one, and the legal limitations on these agreements.
  S E M I N A R S

*November 18, 2020
Custody and Covid
Peter M. Walzer &
Christina E. Djordjevich
ABA-Section of International Law

*November 19, 2020
What Every Estate Planner Needs to Know About Prenups
Peter M. Walzer
Estates Counselors Forum

*December 11, 2020
Peter M. Walzer

*January 16, 2021
Peter M. Walzer & Rob Benavente
AAML Trial Institute
San Diego, CA

*February 26, 2021
Virtual Hearings
Christopher C. Melcher
AAML - North Carolina Chapter Symposium
42nd Annual Child Custody

The 2020 Child Custody Colloquium addresses important issues in family law, focusing on the impact of Covid-19 on child custody.
36th Anniversary Annual Gala

Celebrating the organization’s accomplishments throughout the year and highlighting partners who have made a significant impact on the community.
Levitt & Quinn
How Supervising Judges Shape the Family Law Community

Hearing five of the most recent supervising judges talk about the critical role that the supervising judge plays in leading and shaping the family law community.
Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles Inc. 
45th Annual Installation and Awards Ceremony

Since 1975, BWL has offered a needed channel for communication for attorneys of color, both outside and within the African-American community.