Left to Right: Ashley W. Edwards, Ashley K. Quan, Peter M. Walzer, Christopher C. Melcher, Steven K. Yoda, Cynthia J. Ponce, & Ryan D. Wedeking
Chris: "To say 'no' to requests that will take me away from my objectives at work or eat into my personal time."

Peter: "To never eat alone!"

Steve: "To grow more black hairs on my head and less white ones.

Ashley Q.: "To make more time for hot yoga."

Cynthia: "To use up all of my vacation time."

Ryan: "To expand my lunch options."

Ashley E.: "To carve out time for myself each week and dedicate that time to learning a new skill/activity that I enjoy."
Christopher C. Melcher Receives National Board of Trial Advocacy Certification 
We are proud to share that Chris has become a board-certified advocate in trial practice family law.
There are only six other NBTA certified family law advocates in California.
Congratulations, Chris!
Steven K. Yoda is
Admitted into IAFL
Congratulations to Steve for his admission into the International Academy of Family Lawyers.

The IAFL is an invitation-only organization of lawyers from around the world dedicated to the improvement of the practice and administration of justice in the area of family law.
Ashley K. Quan Joins the BHBA Family Law Committee
We are excited to share that Ashley was appointed secretary for the Beverly Hills Bar Association Family Law Section.
Peter M. Walzer Celebrates Over 30 Years as a
Certified Family Law Specialist
For another consecutive year, WMY has been recognized by Best Lawyers Best Firms in America.
Settling With Parties WHO Hate Each Other
by Christopher C. Melcher

"Most cases settle – after a fight. It would be more efficient to settle earlier, without the bloodshed but how can we do that when the parties hate each other? As advocates, we focus on persuading the decision maker, often ignoring the fact that our powers of persuasion will also work on our opponent. Convincing the other side to accept our proposed resolution at the beginning stages of a case is more productive than spending years of litigation, only then to sit down and talk settlement. There is an easy, three-step method to get to the dotted line faster, with an outcome more beneficial to the client."

Excerpt from the November columns of the Daily Journal.
January 24, 2023
January 24, 2023
January 24, 2023
February 21, 2023
Christopher C. Melcher
March 24, 2023
Christopher C. Melcher
April 20, 2023
Irrevocable Trusts And Marital Agreements
Peter M. Walzer
May 7, 2023
Christopher C. Melcher
AAML NorCal Symposium
Sophia and her dad at the Levitt & Quinn Turkey Trot.
Peter attending Gabby's first photography exhibition.
WMY Halloween!
WMY Dodger Game Day.
Steve at the IAFL Annual Meeting in Marrakech, Morocco.
WMY Cocktail Hour at the ABA Family Law Section Fall CLE.
AAML SoCal Trial Institute
WMY Divorcetrooper Defending the Empire!