The Stewardship Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral is pleased to present the third in a series of weekly messages for the current season of annual giving. This week Amanda Osenga reflects on her and her family's experience joining this community right before the pandemic struck. Thank you for sharing, Amanda!
A little over a year ago, my family walked through the doors of Saint Mark’s for the first time. In some ways, it feels like yesterday. In others, Coronatide makes it feel like a distant memory.  

We arrived in the midst of a dark night of the soul for my husband and me. Not quite sure what we believed, we knew we needed community, friends, and a place to explore hard questions. We also knew we had a curious son who needed more spiritual guidance than we could give. I’m a cradle Episcopalian and though we’d been away from church for a while, we hoped this would be the safe place we needed.

Saint Mark’s came like a breath of fresh air. Over the coming weeks and months we discovered—and rediscovered—our faith and found companions to journey with us. Never could we expect how the world would change only a few months after we arrived.

When COVID hit, we didn’t feel alone as we were stuck at home in a state we’ve only lived in for two years. We’ve been able to meet folks through the virtual offerings that we may not have gotten to know otherwise, and it’s been a gift. The friends we’ve met have come alongside us and provided a safe place for us to ask questions, go through hard times, and grow in our faith. We are so incredibly grateful.

It is a joy to be a part of the community of Saint Mark’s and to participate through stewardship. In these difficult and strange days we are in, supporting the good work Saint Mark’s is doing has provided grounding for us. It helps us remember the church is more than a building and we’re all connected as one body. What a blessing it is. 
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