Image: Ripple Effect, by Kathy Thaden, Mosaic Artist.
Why the Ministry of Villa Jubilee Matters
Why does the ministry of Villa Jubilee matter? As we look ahead to the events we have scheduled, we know that lives will be blessed and changed. The beautiful thing about our work is how it appeals and reaches so many different people with an assortment of sacred art forms.
For example, the music ministry of the Sangre de Cristo Vocal Arts Ensemble touches the community with their beautiful renditions of sacred music. As we approach Holy Week, what better way to move toward a receptive heart than by starting the week on Palm Sunday with a concert? The ensemle will perform the "Journey to Hope" cantata at Villa Jubilee on Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 3:00 pm, followed by potluck hor d'oeuvres. (Invitees are asked to donate what they can afford, but we do not want you to miss the event due to your budget. There are significant costs involved in making these types of events available to the community, and the average cost for an event like this is $10 per person. For anything you give above that amount, the Villa Jubilee Foundation can provide you with a tax-deductible receipt at your request. Proceeds benefit both Sangre de Cristo Vocal Arts Ensemble and VJF.)
And, don’t forget the Wes & Billy Concert the night before, Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 6:00 pm. (Same donation policy applies.)
In May, we are extremely privileged to have Kathy Thaden, Colorado’s premiere mosaic artist, leading a retreat called “Mosaic Meditations,” May 19-21. No matter your skill level, you are invited to experience the joy of working with broken pieces to create new art. The central redemptive metaphor of mosaics -- making something new and beautiful from broken pieces – never ceases to move the fans of mosaic art .What better way to spend the weekend than by learning something new in the context of reflection, silence, music, and prayer? We expect this retreat will fill quickly, so if you are interested, don’t delay in registering.
We hope you can join us for one or more of our spring events. But, whether you can attend or not, we hope you see the value of this ministry in reaching people through various art forms, and that you will support us and the participants of these events in prayer, that they may experience God-directed transformation. Check out our complete listing on our website at www.villajubilee.com.
In addition to your prayers, would you also consider a donation to this important work? Your contribution powers transformational ministries! To make a tax-deductible contribution to the Villa Jubilee Foundation, a 501(c)(3), you can:
- Pay by credit card or Paypal by clicking on the secure donate button; or
- Send your payment via Paypal to stan at villajubilee dot com; or
- Send a check made out to Villa Jubilee Foundation to 3001 County Road 330, Walsenburg, CO 81089.
Thank you for keeping the doors of ministry open!