As a safety measure against the global pandemic of COVID-19, our Club suspended in-house activities. However, we did not let this be an obstacle for us. We are continuing to provide our programs remotely to the children and youth of Los Cabos, with the same level of commitment.

Since March 20th, we have engaged with 231 children & youth, plus 41 volunteers , working from home! Please take a moment to read through some of the exciting updates and news we have for you.  

Challenged by the collateral effect of self-isolation, we managed to provide produce to the families of our young participants directly from our organic gardens.

Subsequently, we had 8 participants and their families, from San José del Cabo, fully engaged in our Huerto en Casa (Garden at Home) program in creating their own family garden. They received seeds, support and guidance from program manager, Vanessa, who always included caution and safety measures in her teachings.

Our Desayuno Joven (Youth Breakfast) program, also carried on through weekly online sessions, providing tips and activities about healthy eating habits during self-isolation. All sessions were made available through social media. Click on the image to watch our last session. 

Our Garden Manager complemented these sessions by hosting a webinar on compost using home waste, and how compost can be a benefit to their gardens.  

We are making every day an Earth Day! Concerned about our planet, our little Agents of Change wasted no time in developing their individual projects, like creating, recycling and cleaning up their homes, and turning a personal initiative into a fun family activity. 

The end goal was to create an eco-friendly space in which to spend quality time with their families at home and to promote recycling. 
Everyone gathered together each Saturday with their volunteer Coach to share their personal experiences from each week.

These sessions included a short lesson on values and guidance on their individual projects. All projects were recorded to show evidence in a before and after mode. 

Thanks to our friends at GNP Seguros Mexico, our Club was awarded two brand new PCs, through their program #VivirEsIncreíble; ayudando a los demás, for the start of our new computer lab. 

Through our partnership with Young Americans Center for Financial Education, we are excited to announce another year of Youth Biz in 2021. This will allow us to continue educating and encouraging future entrepreneurs in our community.
A special thanks to Patricia Green Pratt, board member at BGC-BCS, for bringing  "i" The Guy, a program developed by iWrite to our Club. This program's objective is to develop a passion for reading and writing through their own personal creativity. "i" The Guy, will complement our after school activities, but also aid in increasing academic performance. 

The Boys & Girls Club of BCS would like to thank the Ash Family for their ongoing commitment and support to the children & youth of Los Cabos. Your Legacy is embedded in our values and will be carried on in all we do.  We feel confident that our current Board of Directors will continue to provide ongoing leadership as we grow our Club and reach out to more children & youth in our community than ever before. We are honored to have been able to welcome qualified and experienced new Board at BGC-BCS to support our initiatives.

  • Sylvia Anne Rosina Tremblay, Chair
  • Raúl Godin Arroyo, Vice-Chair
  • Mauricio Balderrama, Secretary
  • Michael Huseby, Board Treasurer
  • Patricia Green Pratt, Vocal
  • Cathryn Palmer, Vocal
  • Philip Langridge, Vocal
Your donation in this difficult time is much appreciated.