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What Makes BFV Better at Business?
Meeting with our clients, hearings, documents and business advice are an important part of our day. But it doesn't stop there. It's also the notable professional and community contributions, hard-earned accomplishments and exciting changes to our BFV family that are important too.

On the Speaking Circuit
Lawrence Kasmen  and  Ken Winkler  recently presented " My Operating Agreement Says What?!? ," providing key insights into operating agreements and employment issues.  Click here  to see video highlights of this presentation.

In September,  Benjamin Fink  and  Neal Weinrich  were guest speakers at the Federal Bar Association Annual Meeting and Convention program, "Trade Secret 
Protection Goes Federal." 
In January, Ben and Neal will  be guest speakers at State Bar of Georgia's Institute of Continuing Legal Education program, "Restrictive Covenants & Trade Secrets in Georgia."

Later this month, Lea Dearing will present to family law attorneys, "Family Law & Forensics: Time for a Modern Day Tune Up?Lea will also present "Tools to Protect your Biggest Assets: Your People & Your Technology" to HR and C-level executitves in the manufacturing and staffing industries.

In November, Ken Winkler will present "Contracts - Matter Anymore?" at the Community Bankers Association of Georgia Annual Southeast Financial Human Resource Conference, "Creating Some Certainty in the Midst of Workplace Uncertainty."

Charles Van Horn 
will present in a National Business Institute (NBI) video webcast, " Key Cross-Examination Tactics Every Lawyer Must Know." The webcast will be available October 24, 2017.

In the Family

Congratulations to Ruari O'Sullivan and his wife on welcoming a baby boy to the O'Sullivan family!

Several times a year, the BFV team & family members volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House of Atlanta. During our visit, we prepare and serve dinner to children and their families staying at the House. Thank you, Ronald Mcdonald families, for the heart-warming and engaging experience. Click here to see other community organizations we support. 

Kudos to BFV
For another consecutive year, Jeffrey BermanBenjamin FinkCharles Van Horn and Ken Winkler have been selected by their peers for inclusion in 
The Best Lawyers in America 2018.  Jeff was recognized for his work in Mergers and Acquisitions and Chuck was recognized for his work in Commercial Litigation. Both Ben and Ken were recognized for their work in Employment law (management and litigation.) Congratulations on this honor!

Benjamin Fink  has been invited to attend the Inaugural Sedona Conference on 
Developing Best Practices for Trade Secret Issues . Attendance is by invitation only for approximately 75 thought leaders in trade secrets law. 

About Berman Fink Van Horn P.C.

Berman Fink Van Horn  provides legal services to a wide range of industries, focusing on business and real estate litigation; non-compete and trade secretsmergers, acquisitions and corporate finance; labor and employment; banking & creditors' rights; commercial real estate; and general legal services for mid-market companies, family-owned businesses and entrepreneurial/start-up endeavors. Our team of attorneys takes great pride in delivering results-driven, high quality services based on knowledge, expertise and a personal touch unique to Berman Fink Van Horn.

More information is available 
at or follow us on Twitter @bfvlaw.

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