April 12, 2024

Clinical Trials

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A Patient's Success Story With a Clinical Trial Treatment

Art Cain, a member of the PHEN Survivor Network from Atlanta, Georgia, shared his life-changing experience participating in the PANTHER clinical trial. Diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2015 and experiencing a recurrence in 2019, Cain's journey led him to the PANTHER trial through a fortuitous meeting with Dr. Daniel George from the Duke Cancer Institute at PHEN's 2019 Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit in Washington, D.C.

"After talking with Dr. George and the folks at Duke, I decided to enter the PANTHER clinical trial," Art explained. Entering the trial at the end of 2019 with a PSA recurrence of about 6, his level became undetectable after a year in the trial, a status he maintains today, highlighting the life-saving potential of this trial.

Art Cain's experience clearly illustrates that prostate cancer patients diagnosed with advanced disease must understand that there is hope with treatment through prostate cancer clinical trials. The PANTHER clinical trial focused on a combination drug therapy consisting of apalutamide and abiraterone acetate plus prednisone. This regimen was shown to benefit Black men more significantly than White men.

About the PANTHER Clinical Trial

The PANTHER study addresses the longstanding gap in clinical trial participation for Black patients who are disproportionately affected by prostate cancer. The PANTHER study investigates the effects of a novel combination of hormonal therapies, apalutamide and abiraterone, in castrate-resistant prostate cancer. Intriguingly, the study reveals that Black patients exhibit significantly longer radiographic progression-free survival, time to PSA progression, and overall survival rates compared to their white counterparts. While the cause remains unknown, these findings suggest potential biological differences in the way Black patients develop castrate-resistant prostate cancer. These observations suggest and highlight the critical need for diversity in clinical trials, urging active patient recruitment and advocacy, in order to understand potential racial disparities in treatment responses.

Dr. George emphasizes proactive inclusion. "We absolutely have to be intentional in our inclusion of Black patients in our clinical trials," he stated, advocating for an active engagement strategy to ensure diverse patient enrollment and, thereby, enhancing the relevance and applicability of trial outcomes. Click here for more information about the PANTHER clinical trial.

Daniel George, MD

Medical Oncologist

Duke Cancer Center

Clinical Trials Learning Session With Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

We invite you to attend an informative webinar on Wednesday, April 24th at 6:00 p.m. EST with Dr. Keith Crawford, Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education at PHEN, alongside Dr. Andrew Laccetti, a medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. They will introduce innovative clinical trials, including one that utilizes your immune system to potentially slow down and destroy cancer cells, and another that permits periodic treatment pauses, allowing for intervals similar to a treatment holiday.

Keith Crawford, MD, PhD

Director of Clinical Trials & Patient Education


Andrew Laccetti, MD, MS

Genitourinary Oncologist

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Register for the Learning Session

Find Your Trial!

For information on more than 600 prostate cancer clinical trials, visit: PHENTrials.com.

PHEN's Clinical Trial Sponsors

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