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A Note of Thanks from Our Outgoing Executive Director
Dear Friends of Faith Communities Today,

In January 2018, I was given the wonderful opportunity to serve as the Executive Director of Faith Communities Today (FACT). Given my background in nonprofit management, interfaith engagement, and extensive work with congregations, it felt like the stars had aligned and this was an opportunity uniquely suited to my experience. It has been a privilege to co-lead the organization over the past 5 years, but as with all good things, it too must come to an end.

It is bittersweet to announce that I will be transitioning out of my role as Executive Director of Faith Communities Today effective May 12, 2023.

It has been an honor to work with each of you toward our common goals of producing surveys and practical reports on congregations and congregational life and I am incredibly proud of all that we have accomplished together during my tenure, including the largest survey of congregations ever conducted in the U.S. (which we successfully managed to achieve despite the many challenges brought about by the pandemic).

I'd also like to take this opportunity to highlight the incredible group of people that I have had the privilege of working with over the past 5 years: the visionary and generous FACT Chair, Scott Thumma, the phenomenal and steadfast current and past Co-Chairs (Molly James, Susan Barnett, and Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi), and the courageous and kind FACT Steering Committee. Each have been trusted and dedicated partners in collectively expanding the capacity of FACT during my time here. As I move on to new endeavors, I want to express my sincere appreciation for the many ways that they have greatly impacted my life for the better, as well as to our broader network of partners and research audiences for entrusting me with leadership of this one-of-a-kind research coalition.

The FACT Steering Committee will undoubtedly be back in touch with news of future staffing plans as this transition continues to unfold.

I am confident that FACT's best days are yet to come and that the initiative will see continued success and growth long into the future. Please do not hesitate to stay in touch. I can be reached at my Hartford email address through May 12.

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