Happy New Year!
“Our mind is a treasure. But it’s very absorbent, so we must also be very discriminating in what we hear, read, and see. And in the spiritual life, our fence is our ethics. If we know we are living ethically to the best of our ability, the mind will become peaceful.”

~Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo (from an interview in Tricycle Magazine )

Photo courtesy of DGL Nunnery, India.
Happy New Year!

An enormous "thank you" for being part of our community to bring Jetsunma's vision of empowering nuns to reality.

Your kindness and generosity warms the heart, making a difference to our projects.

May all your aspirations be fulfilled in 2019!

Caterina, Chrysanne, Heather, and May Ling
DGLI, Inc. Board of Directors
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