Dear friends,
The Very Rev. Steve Thomason
This past Sunday we celebrated the Feast of All Saints’—a grand tradition that invites us to hold fast to the memories we share of all those who have gone before, those whom we love but see no longer. In the rich mysteries of God’s ways, we lay claim to the promise that the Communion of Saints claims us, too, and we are gathered into an eternal embrace of God’s passionate and undying love for us all. One Body…A Cloud of Witnesses. That’s the theme for this year’s stewardship appeal, and I am writing now to invite us all to frame this effort in the light of the mystical communion which buoys us in so many ways. 

As I write this, mindful of the legacy of all those who have gone before, on whose shoulders we stand here and now, my heart is brimming with gratitude. It seems fitting that we conduct our annual stewardship appeal with this Feast of All Saints’ serving as a corridor through which we travel, between the launch and the ingathering.
Our Stewardship Ingathering is this coming Sunday, November 8, and we will present all the pledge cards, and the bowl of glass stones representing each pledge at the altar during the morning services. If you have already submitted your pledge, it will be there. If you have not yet done so, I hope you will. You can do so online at or by contacting Erik Donner at 206.323.0300 x 217 or He will include your pledge in those presented as blessings in this community as we engage our mission and ministries in the coming year. By presenting these at the altar, we consecrate them as gifts, as offerings of our life and labor. 

If Saint Mark’s Cathedral is a place of spiritual connection for you, this is a tangible way of giving thanks for that connection, and to take your place in this wonderful community that spans the generations. We are all invited to be part of this “One Body.”

I will include below some data about the pledges received as of October 30. Many more are still to come, but I share these numbers as a sign of the remarkable generosity offered by so many so that this cathedral will continue to serve as a house of prayer, a beacon of hope, and a sacred community engaged in the work of God’s justice and peace, all while proclaiming the reconciling good news of God in Christ to a broken, hurting world. I am so honored to have been called into this community with YOU, to serve among you all. Please know of my heartfelt gratitude for each of you. I am,

Your Brother in Christ,
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector
Stewardship by the numbers, as of October 30, 2020

222 pledges received, totaling $$966,068

133 pledges increased from prior year for total increase of $138,587

13 pledges decreased from prior year for total decrease of $14,620

53 pledges the same as last year for total of $173,937

23 new pledges this year for total of $37,640

222 pledges received thus far out of total of 500 pledges expected.

If you have not yet submitted your pledge, please do so by Ingathering Sunday November 8. Thank you.