20 December 2021
This notice sent to Churches, Priests and Deacons (active), Diocesan Council, Standing Committee and Chancellor, Wardens, Treasurers, Parish Administrators, Jubilee Center and Camp Leadership, Trustees, Summer Chapel Leadership, and Diocesan Staff
My dear friends in Christ - 

In this blessed season of Advent, we wait in joyous anticipation to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ on Christmas. For so many, this Advent is also a season of anxiety due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of new cases in Maine is climbing daily, continuing a trend of sustained high virus transmission that’s putting tremendous strain on our healthcare system.  

The situation with this virus is ever-evolving, and we continue to follow the guidance of our public health and government officials. As I have mentioned to you before, we in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine are called to do whatever we can to slow the spread of this virus. The U.S. CDC recommends wearing face coverings in indoor public settings in areas where there is substantial or high transmission of COVID-19. That is now all of Maine

I strongly urge you to require all those attending your upcoming holiday services to wear face masks to help slow the spread of this virus. 

When we prepared last year for Christmas, I know we all hoped that this year we would be "back to normal." Give yourself grace, and each other grace, as we continue to find ways to celebrate while still keeping our friends, neighbors, and church members safe. We are all in this together. I support you. Our staff supports you. We join our hearts with yours as we look towards the Christmas season soon upon us.  

Faithfully in Christ,

The Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown
The Right Reverend Thomas J. Brown
Bishop of Maine