Dr. Steve Strickland

Hello AGD Colleagues,

I hope this letter finds you well during these turbulent times in our world. Our profession in particular has been ever changing and difficult to navigate during this pandemic. I am thankful for the work of the National AGD, the ADA, and the VDA, who have adeptly risen to the challenge of advocating for our profession and providing guidance about how to safely return to business.

Likewise, the Virginia AGD Board has been meeting often and working hard to define how we can best support our members through the global pandemic. After much difficult discussion regarding our CE program, the board has voted to postpone all remaining in-person events for the calendar year. While this may seem aggressive, the board felt this path was in the best interest of all doctors, lecturers, sponsors, and the health of our organization. All events have been rescheduled for 2021. 

For the remainder of the year, the VAGD is focusing on what we CAN do to serve our membership. A few things we are working to do, for you:

CE-Focused Webinars . Through April and May, the VAGD held a series of virtual CE Webinars specifically related to COVID-19 and the challenges facing the dental community. These complimentary one-hour sessions provided our members with the opportunity to earn CE and engage in live discussion with experts. Beginning again in late July, we will host periodic COVID related CE webinars through the end of the year. Be on the lookout for more information about these informative gatherings. 

VAGD Afternoon Huddles. As a way to stay connected, Afternoon Huddles are community versus CE focused. During these one-hour virtual sessions, board members will share knowledge on up to date guidelines and regulations in Virginia, recap highlights from recent CE Webinars, and encourage open dialogue and discussion about challenges we collectively face day-to-day in our offices. Stay tuned! We will utilize the VAGD Afternoon Huddles to host the VAGD Annual Meeting of Membership as well as a recognition ceremony for new AGD Fellows and Masters. 

Continuity of Leadership contributes to the health of our board and is more important than ever. Traditionally, board members are nominated to serve after a year of training. Without the opportunity to train upcoming leaders and recruit for prospective ones, the board considered asking current officers to serve an additional term. Board members chose to remain united and will continue to serve through the 2021 year, and I am most grateful for their unending dedication to this organization while also juggling practices of their own, amidst a global pandemic. The 2021 VAGD Board will be sworn into office in accordance with our bylaws at the Annual Meeting of Membership, to be held during a VAGD Afternoon Huddle at the end of the year.

We are always searching for rising stars in Virginia, and welcome anyone interested to please contact us about getting involved in this great leadership team. 

Dues. The board unanimously voted to rescind a prior vote to raise dues next year. Based on the current economic condition as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, constituent dues will remain unchanged in 2021. 

In closing, I applaud your continuing commitment to professionalism, and your membership in the AGD. Professionally and personally, we will prevail in this test the pandemic has brought to us. Lead by example and show unparalleled character in your practices. I wish you all continued success. Be safe.


Steve Strickland
Virginia AGD President