Ready to look thru a NEW LENS
Are you ready
Leadership Rigorsights

Welcome Back

We are excited to share more interactive resources that can give you a new lens to look through as you develop your personal leadership practice!

Our recently launched Learning and Partnership site, goes beyond a typical website to bring you INSIGHTS for building your team and shaping your organizational growth path forward.

Here, you will find curated information and examples with a big picture context so you can accelerate connecting the dots for your business as you develop FORESIGHTS for ACTION in YOUR organization!

We hope you find the VIEW from here energizing on multiple levels.

Beyond our site pages, colorful visuals and educational videos, we are looking to engage you with interactive EXPERIENCES, surrounding you with provocative concepts, questions and challenges.

We hope you will see, hear and feel things differently in your Leadership Practice as a result!

And be sure to keep an eye out for our next issue to see where we LAND next. It promises to be an even higher altitude with more launch news!




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5 Practices for Developing

Change-Ready Leaders in YOUR Organization!

Click below for the actions Organizational Leaders need to take to address today's VUCA world with a VUCA response, through INSPIRATIONAL leadership!

Is YOUR talent change ready

Experience the INTERACTIVITY

New Learning and Partnership Site!

Click Below to Play and Explore!

Leadership Puzzle

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Our Interactive DNA Visual

Are WE are a Match for YOU?

We work with private companies and family businesses to Co-Create Customized Leadership Journeys. Those who already know us, can attest to the fact that we definitely have a point of view and share it with you!

We bring our experiences to the table and give you an outside-inside view to consider. The choices are always yours to make, we are here to help you pressure test them!

Click on EACH CIRCLE below to learn more about how we engage in our Co-Creative Partnerships.

DNA co-creative

How to Invite a New, Trusted Advisor to Your Table!

5 Life Changing Reasons

Success Stories

Success Story

We just completed an amazing and comprehensive 8-year Customized Leadership Learning Journey with a privately owned family business.


Starting with the Executive Leadership Team, this initiative was cascaded throughout the organization and involved the entire community. This dynamic company inspired courageous conversations on growth and development across its talent bench. 


Over the course of the initiative this enterprise generated growth from $500M to just over $1.0B in revenue!


Now that’s Rigoring It!

Success Story

Proud to Share

10 Most Influencial Leadership Consultant

We are grateful to CIO VIEWS for inviting us to share our Customized Leadership Learning Journey approach and for naming Erica Peitler a 10 Most Influential Leadership Consultant.


In this article we were given the opportunity to share our thoughts on the leadership skill of IMAGINATION and the powerful question of “What if?”


We also talk about the Leadership Rigor Model being a Conscious and By Design approach that looks at change as an integrated SYSTEM!


There are also a few coming attractions for our new initiatives in 2023 you might be curious to learn about.

Click to Read Article
Erica Peitler

Erica Peitler

CEO and Founder

Erica Peitler is a Change-Partner and Growth INFLUENCER with expertise in Designing and Facilitating Customized Leadership Learning Journeys. 

She works with Private Companies, Family Businesses and C-Suite Leaders to navigate life cycle dynamics as they take the transformational steps necessary to achieve their full potential. 

If you are ready to accelerate your ability to operate at a level of operational and organizational excellence, Erica and her team can engage with you on an individual, team or organizational level to achieve breakthroughs in Performance & Productivity!

Named a 10 Most Influential Leadership Consultant 2022

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