A new scholarship at Meadows
Support Meadows, Directly Support Students.
Announcing the Diversity Scholarship Initiative at SMU Meadows

Beginning this fall, scholarships will be given to highly qualified students from underrepresented ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Across the University, we have renewed our commitment to reflect the global society in which we live. And at Meadows specifically, we are challenging ourselves to purposefully recruit students from diverse backgrounds and cultivate a welcoming and inclusive environment in which we all benefit from broadening our perspectives and experiences. The Diversity Scholarship Initiative gives us the ability to bring these talented students to SMU both now and in perpetuity. 

Thank you for your investment in current and future students at SMU and for your support of the arts in Dallas.

-- Meadows Dean Sam Holland
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Six Questions for Meadows Students
Hear Meadows students discuss why they chose SMU Meadows, majors, internships, and the importance of Dallas.