FPM Properties
10365 Hood Rd S #205
Jacksonville, FL 32257
Mike Hodges, NEFAR Realtor of the Year 2020
We didn’t ask, we informed him we were sharing this information (which was just announced a week ago!). We’re very proud of our Broker (actually your Broker & property manager!) Mike is truly dedicated and always strives for the best in everything—and he elevates all of us who work with him. We thought it might make sense to share a little about why he was honored and what it means…so we asked him. But first, the group he was singled out from:

NEFAR is the largest professional / trade association in northeast Florida, with a membership that includes more than 10,000 Realtors and business partner members in Duval, Clay, Putnam and St. Johns counties.

We believe he was honored because of his long-standing dedication to his craft, his profession, the industry and thus the NE Florida community. Mike has a long history of supporting and/or giving back his time and knowledge in support of the real estate industry and consequently all those impacted by it. (see his Linked In here) That definitely includes property owners. One significant aspect that was cited in the presentation of the award was his leadership in legislative advocacy. Here’s what he has to say about this honor:

What It Means to Him:

“I’ve been in the business a long time, it has tremendous meaning for me. To be honored by such an expansive and dedicated group as NEFAR is beyond humbling. Can’t deny it feels great to be honored and appreciated!”

His Take Away:

“Involvement and engagement are important and lead to so many good things both personally and professionally. I have forged so many rewarding and lasting relationships via NEFAR and my involvement has provided so many opportunities to not only grow but to have a platform from which to contribute to the betterment of our community. To our clients, specifically, this is in part validation of the time and effort directed toward legislative advocacy. I will never stop fighting to protect property ownership rights.”

The Team at FPM Properties just wants you to know you are in excellent hands!
FPM Properties | 904-497-4200 |
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