Hello and welcome!
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
*make sure to display the images below*
Mama Concierge is a service business fueled by kindness!
We use our blessings & proceeds to empower Moms in our community and all over the world to help them parent at their best!

Meet the Mama Concierge Mother's Day Fundraiser Recipient
~ Keena Bonds of Oak Park, Il. ~
(Photo: Keena and Tiffany Ellis of Mama Concierge)

A feel good message ahead! We posted on social media and asked those we know about moms we could help. A special person introduced me to Keena, a devoted, positive, hard working mom of 3. Keena is also an entrepreneur with an awesome story! Times are tough for her right now but she continues to serve others first! When we contacted her to let her know it is her turn to receive money & services just for her, she cried and was so grateful!

A very special thank you to those who contributed to help this happen!
Read about her growing business and our meeting. It is long but so worth the time to read and is a true inspiration!
Mama Concierge's Current Services!
*Home organization *Small Projects *Moving Services *Administration
*Event Management *Errands
Want to look all happy and care free like this woman?
Try this 30 Day Declutter Challenge courtesy of Pop Sugar!

Download the printable here!
Soul Food Segment:
"God created a man, gave him a wife, who created a family, which grew into a community and later a nation."
Take a scroll around & read this very good blog by my friends, The Pate Family!