A Performance Coach Can Benefit You
"Believe in yourself because I believe in you."
- Shannon Svetlik-Lockstedt, M.S. PCELC
With a performance coach, you can have help gathering all the resources necessary to help you live fully. They can help you define your goals and help you overcome any fears and obstacles. With direction, you have someone there to hold you accountable and to push you along!

At Wellspring Behavioral Health, we have made it our mission to help you envision your success.  
Get Help With Testing This School Year
Children and young adults are back to class, which means time for mountains of homework and testing. When your child has trouble testing, it could be more than them just being unsure of the content. Getting to the bottom of the reasons behind testing anxieties can help you both find strategies to improve and reduce stress. 

Learn how we at Wellspring Behavioral Health can help your child work through their testing problems and concerns. 
How Therapy Can Help
Therapy can sometimes come with a bad rep, but for no good reason. Did you know that research has shown that "verbalizing our feelings makes our sadness, anger, and pain less intense?" 

Going to therapy can not only help people overcome previous pain, but it can help you to develop coping strategies for future situations. Therapy can also help people grasp a better understanding of their emotions and help them clarify what they want from their lives. Learn how psychological counseling can help you. 

Parent's Perspective: Moving to a New School
Regardless of why your child is transitioning to a new school, there are many things that parents need to consider that can significantly affect their children. Depending on the age of your child, their social lives and formed relationship can have a huge impact on how they feel about the move, and if it's harder on your child to make friends, it can make situations even more difficult.

It's important to remember that you always need to discuss this transition with your child, no matter the circumstances, because they do need the time to prepare themselves for the transition. Giving them the most information possible and involving them with the planning can help ease the transition a bit as well.  

Has your family undergone a recent transition that your child just isn't adapting too? Here at Wellspring Behavioral Health, we provide psychological counseling, including individual and family services for adults, adolescents, children, and families in Austin, Texas.
Wellspring Behavioral Health Cares
Dr. McNeely’s viewpoint and practice is integrative, combining developmental, cognitive-behavioral, existential and other perspectives to develop a holistic approach, broadening insight and opportunities for effective intervention.

Abigail regularly works with clients dealing with a broad range of issues including anxiety, depression, bipolar depression, life challenges and chronic illness. She offers individual, couples and family counseling for adults and teens, as well as academic, employment and medical needs psychology assessments.
Call 512-302-1590 to schedule your appointment.
Wellspring Behavioral Health | wellspring@austin.rr.com | 512-302-1590 | ibwell.com