June 2022
Dear Friends,

These days the word "turnover" has a negative connotation, but at Shumla we have a different perspective. Shumla is and has always been an incubator for excellence in the fields of archaeology, science, and rock art conservation and research. Not only do we expect turnover, we welcome it. There are a few reasons this is true.

1.) Our employment contract is a two-way street. Not only do we expect the best from our staff, we want the staff to expect the best from us. They come to get experience and acquire skills that will help them build their future. We want to be a launching pad for careers that will benefit our industry and the preservation of cultural resources around the world.

2.) Once Shumla Familia, always Shumla Familia. Our staff and former staff stay connected, continue to learn from each other and grow together. What's more, former Shumla staff often return to us, with new skills and experiences to contribute!

3.) We prepare. Turnover is only scary if you don't have someone who can skillfully fill the position. Our leadership team communicates and plans for each staff transition so that we cover all the bases and don't miss a beat in our efforts toward our mission.
In the past two months we have had two departures and two new employees come onboard. Next month we'll welcome another. It's a very exciting time of transition and training at Shumla. Read on to learn more about where our folks are going next and to meet our new Shumla team members.

As always, we hope you and yours are well and keeping cool in our this summer.
All the best,
Welcomes and Farewells
This month we said farewell to two fantastic members of the Shumla Familia, and welcomed two new members to our team.
In May, Tim Murphy took a position as a Project Manager at PaleoWest, a Cultural Resource Management firm based out of Denver. He's excited to apply skills learned at Shumla to terrestrial archaeology all over the American west. And of course, he'll continue ultra running. We hope Colorado weather will be more conducive to his astounding running ability than this Texas heat.
Vicky Roberts left Shumla at the end of May after 8 years with us. She will spend two months in Peru, helping Dr. Christi Conlee of Texas State University with field research at the Huaca Del Loro site. She'll particularly be using her skills in gigapan and structure-from-motion photogrammetry 3D modeling. In the Fall, she will begin her Master's Degree program at Texas State University.
We are so excited for them both and their wonderful forward motion as they achieve their aspirations.
Last month you met Seamus Anderson, our fantastic new Shumla Archaeologist. His first day was Monday, May 2nd. By that evening he was rough camping next to the Pecos River, preparing to be thrown in the proverbial deep end for five days of hard core field work. He has spent the last few weeks making determinations on paint stratigraphy from microphotographs taken at Painted Canyon and Fate Bell. It can be tedious work, but it is the best way to determine paint sequence and compositional structure. Go Seamus!
We're very excited to introduce you today to Katie Wilson, Shumla's new Archaeologist and Outreach Coordinator. Katie has a Master's degree in Archaeology from Texas State University. She has taken over the Shumla Treks program after training with Vicky. She's got the Fall Treks calendar set and is busy communicating with Trek registrants. She is also a valuable member of the field and lab archaeology team. Welcome Katie!
Here are Vicky and Katie leading a Shumla Trek together in May near the incomparable Devils River. Come Trek with Katie!

Next month we'll welcome one of our Shumla Familia members who was an intern and will be returning now as an Archaeological Chemist. Can you guess who? Tune in to find out in July!
Hearthstone Goes to Fate Bell
The Triad is a Quintet!

Fate Bell is a massive rockshelter in Seminole Canyon State Park and Historical Site. Our field work focused on this particularly famous set of well-preserved images at the southern end of the shelter, commonly called “The Triad”. 
The front three figures are most prominent to be sure, but there are actually five figures painted within the wing-span of the main central winged anthropomorph. We spent a week at Fate Bell examining this incredible vignette and sharing our discoveries with Seminole Canyon State Park visitors and Comstock ISD students.
Fate Bell - Shumla

The week after completing our fieldwork in Painted Canyon, the crew headed to Seminole Canyon State Park and Historic Site to study a section of the famous Fate Bell mural. Objectives: We had two objectives: a fieldwork objective and an outreach...

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Texas Historical Foundation Gift
Texas Historical Foundation supports Shumla Science.

Shumla has been awarded a grant by the Texas Historical Foundation to cover the cost of a new Stereo Microscope. With this microscope and a new digital microscope camera Dr. Karen Steelman, Shumla’s Science Director, will be able to demonstrate digital microscopy techniques and radiocarbon dating sample preparation processes to the entire Shumla Scholars class at one time. What she sees in the microscope will be projected through the camera to a screen all students can see. They can watch in real time as she finds microscopic paint layers and dissects oxalates from paint. This is just another opportunity for the students to be exposed to high-tech science in action - firing excitement, knowledge, imagination and continued drive to learn and explore.

It's not just Shumla Scholars who will benefit from this important equipment. It will be used by Shumla’s college interns, archaeologists and visiting scholars in our ongoing work to preserve the ancient art of the Lower Pecos.

We are grateful to the Texas Historical Foundation (THF) for its support of this project that will enhance the learning environment for students of Comstock High School, as well as significantly contribute to Shumla's preservation and research efforts.

If you want to keep up with Texas Historical Foundation, you may sign up for their Newsletter here.
Come Trek this Fall!
It's time to plan your next adventure!

We have incredible Treks lined up for the fall. We now offer both full day and half day schedules! (Half days are half price!)

Come take a dip in Devils River in September, explore Black Cave in October, and Trek to Eagle Nest Canyon in November. You'll be guided by a Shumla Archaeologist and get the benefit of 25 years of Shumla research and experience.

September 03: Halo Shelter and the Devils River (full day) ♦♦♦♦

September 04: Painted Shelter and Shumla HQ (half day) ♦♦

October 07: Judge Roy Bean Center, Vinegarroon, and Shumla HQ (half day) ♦

October 23: Black Cave and Vaquero Shelter (full day) ♦♦♦

November 05: Eagle Nest Canyon (full day) ♦♦♦♦

November 06: Mountain Laurel site and Shumla Campus west of the Pecos River (half day) ♦♦♦½

November 19: VV75 and Red Linear Type Site (full day) ♦♦♦♦

November 20: Fate Bell, Fate Bell Annex, Running Horse (full day) ♦♦♦
Are you concerned about your ability to hike to our Trek locations? Reach out! We will walk you through the whole Trek and help you decide if it's right for you. There are accommodations for some treks. For example, the November 6th trip to Mountain Laurel, Shumla campus is listed as a three and a half diamond trek. But, if you are not a hiker, you can stay at the campus while the rest of the group hikes and enjoy the pristine views, walk the nature trails and have a lovely morning with no need to over-exert yourself. To talk about a Trek, email treks@shumla.org!
July Lunch & Learn
Join Shumla Executive Director Jessica Hamlin at July’s Lunch & Learn.

Whether you're new to Shumla or a longtime friend, this Lunch & Learn will give an overview of who we are and how we are working to save Texas's oldest "books."

Invite your friends to Zoom with us and settle in for this fun and quick overview of the rock art of the Lower Pecos, the work Shumla does to preserve it, and our most recent project - The Hearthstone Project.
Shumla Lunch and Learns are held virtually using Zoom so anyone anywhere can join us!
Can you give $10 a month?
You have the power to preserve, protect and share this precious history that belongs to us all!
Any amount of support will give us the resources we need to continue our work. A small monthly gift adds up and makes a big difference! Will you take a moment and help us by scheduling a monthly gift?
Visit the Lower Pecos by flying with American Airlines to Del Rio, Texas. American Airlines American Eagle flies to Del Rio from DFW Airport in Dallas. Visit www.aa.com to get your ticket today
Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center 
P.O. Box 627, Comstock, TX 78837
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