Thank you for your love and support this year. The Lord has done great things. Your faithful support has helped needy children and we thank you for your partnership with us. When counting our blessings, we thank God for YOU.
We want to share with you the launch of a Razoo major crowdfunding campaign for Casa Providencia that begins
TODAY and we invite you to join us in this major endeavor.
Please join us in spreading the word about Casa Providencia, Special Needs Orphanage and Therapy Center.
Beginning midnight on Black Friday and running until Christmas Eve, we are asking the Lord to bring in all the remaining funds necessary to complete construction on Casa Providencia ($399,800), and thus make a home for special needs orphans this holiday season. See our
Heart's Cry website for all the details, including 2 awesome new videos. Our amazing friend Dave Cook made a video about the project and the other we put together for this giving campaign. We can't wait to hear what you think!
Hopefully this will burn within you a desire to get involved and share the word about this project.
Please spread the word. This is how we get new folks involved, by friends like you sharing the project with your friends and family. The secret to success on these crowdfunding campaigns is exposure, and I would ask you to blast out to EVERYONE in your contacts and anyone else you can think of that might be willing to give and spread it even further. The more "followers", "friends", "likes", etc... the better. We are updating social media daily, so pass it on! We especially as you to share the donation link!! If you know any bloggers or influential people, please do what you can to put this on their radar and ask them to donate at any level of promotion they're willing to give. Also, if you think of a person and/or a group that you think would be important for us to meet with and you could get an audience, let us know and we will be there!
Finally, remember that matching gift from last month? We received 55% of the match. Thank you! This matching gift then became a springboard for the #GiveAHomefortheholidays campaign. God is good! I know that He is going to multiply all these funds. We just had a call from someone willing to complete the matching gift! Yay, God!! Waiting and watching Him work.
And truly, we want to say Thank YOU. You are already a blessing. God loves you and we do too. We praise the Lord for you and pray for you every time the Lord brings you to mind. I pray this holiday season will be a great time of reflection for you, remembering how the God of the universe loves you so much that He sent His only son to come to this earth in the form of a baby. That this baby lived a perfect life and then died for your sins, and now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for you. Living in this reality changes things. You are so loved. Walk in that love today.
With thanksgiving,
Misty and Matt Hedspeth