June 2021
This past month has felt almost like old times at the house prior to Covid. It has been so wonderful to see so many signs of life and a returning to some shades of normalcy here at Restoring Hope Transplant House. Over the past month we have shared the transplant journey with so many incredible families including a daughter who donated a kidney to her mother through the paired kidney exchange...
A sister who donated a kidney directly to her brother...a young lady who was amazingly discharged to head home the next day following her incredible gift of life...
A young Wisconsin girl from Reedsburg who received a kidney autotransplant after years of debilitating pain and suffering. After her procedure, several of our RHTH autotransplant brothers and sisters from across the country sent several cards to her hospital room to let her know that while she may have a very rare condition, that she will never be alone...
To a Plover family below who received a kidney transplant after 9 years on a dialysis. Our RHTH family was kind enough to flood their hospital room with over 50 cards in the handful of days it took her sleepy kidney to kick in.
To our friend Paul (below) who after his 3 year transplant checkup was blessed to be able to go out to eat lunch with his brother who donated a kidney through the paired kidney exchange so that he could receive a better matched kidney from the Madison woman who also joined them for lunch. If ever there was a lunch a person should pickup the check for it was this one for Paul!
Great Stretch Of Expansion Fundraising
Over the past couple months, we have been blessed with some of the most generous major donations earmarked for expansion in RHTH history. Now that Covid appears to be easing finally and we have made up some serious ground from those losses with your collective help, we now are leaning heavily on the guidance of our building and construction team to determine the best possible timing for us as a non-profit as it pertains to the historic costs of lumber and building materials during the pandemic. Our builders have told us to expect budget increases in the 25% range currently with significant product delays to go with it. As we continue to consult closely with all involved in the expansion process, we are continuing to aggressively raise additional funds over our goal in the event we face the significant increase in costs that everyone is now facing. We appreciate your incredible support on what has been a tremendous momentum building stretch. We are also grateful for your grace in understanding that our building timeline will move forward as soon as these construction increase details are all ironed out for the best possible long-term outcome of this house. All of this must be done right in order to successfully leave a long legacy for future generations of transplant families. A return to normalcy will be such a blessing on so many fronts as we are truly ready to move forward.

If you would like to learn more about our RHTH expansion plans, fundraising efforts or know of anyone that would potentially be interested in joining our major construction donors, please contact RHTH Executive Director Cindy Herbst at 608-831-1726.
Transplant Awareness Ride From WI to LA
A big congratulations to Mark and his team for reaching his destination in Natchitoches, Louisiana by bicycle recently to visit with his friend who received a kidney because Mark was kind enough to donate a kidney of his own! What a journey to help raise awareness for organ donation. Make sure to visit their page to see all the highlights and celebration of their incredible adventure at The Organ Trail. It was so much fun to be a small part of this unforgettable trip!
Register To Become An Organ Donor
We have got a lot of RHTH brothers and sisters on this list. Please visit this page to see if becoming an organ donor makes sense for you!

Lion Celebrates 23 Year Transplant Anniversary
Lions Clubs throughout Wisconsin and beyond have been so supportive of our mission here at RHTH that it was extra special to celebrate John's 23 year heart transplant anniversary with him and Jackie. John is a proud member of the Cashton Lions Club and together they are such wonderful ambassadors for RHTH as friends, Lions and a transplant family. Cheers to many more Lion John!
New Transplant Book: Available Now!
Grateful to dear friends who sent us a copy of this new transplant book that features inspirational stories from some truly great people that we have come to know and love over the years. We look forward to reading more of this and sharing with our guests!
Guests Giving Back: Saving An RHTH Treasure
Our transplant family friend Nancy from Pepin was here helping out not long ago when she noticed a beautiful old bench that we were planning on tossing after it sustained a couple massive cracks that made it unusable. It was a significant piece that had a lot of history and memories to Cindy. Nancy decided to put it in the back of her truck. She was going to have her husband Jim try to fix it. About that time, Jim’s health took a turn for the worse and he sadly passed away. Jim’s brother Sam also from Pepin took the project on recently and was able to restore it to perfect working order. Nancy brought it back to Cindy recently and we slapped on a fresh coat of paint to surprise her. What a wonderful gift...it looks so beautiful again and is back in the RHTH dining room.
New RHTH Video: In Case You Missed It!
For those who missed our new RHTH video from earlier this year, please give it a watch and share with any others who may be touched by our mission or interested in staying here as a transplant family.
RHTH Fundraisers Returning: Thank You!
Beyond grateful to one of our transplant families from Seymour who have hosted this annual scavenger hunt fundraiser for RHTH in loving memory of a loved one. A wonderful Mother’s Day weekend tradition that we are so happy to see back after all the challenges of the past year. Bless you all...we love the Matuszak’s and all who have embraced them and their event. Thank you all!
UPCOMING EVENTS - Fundraisers for RHTH

The Steve Muenchow Memorial Golf Event originally scheduled for May 28th was rescheduled for July 15th due to heavy rain and cold weather. There are several RHTH family members coming along that day as volunteers and participants, so we look forward to seeing everyone then!

Good Neighbors: Supporting Our Community
As life begins to open back up more and more, it’s so wonderful to see our transplant families once again enjoying all that downtown Middleton has to offer from endless great dining options to relaxing walks to the ponds. We are so blessed to be right in the middle of it all right here in The Good Neighbor City.
Quotable: RHTH Guests In Their Own Words
Thank you for your interest in Restoring Hope Transplant House and our transplant family friends who call it home. We appreciate you taking the time to read through our e-newsletter updates and following our progress.

If you would like to learn more about RHTH, please call me at 608-831-1726 or email me at the link below.
Thanks For Reading Our Updates!